

The key to succeed is based on self-Affirmation, which generates great power to improve yourself to grow more and develop yourself to the next level until you succeed.


But we are living at a negative world, sometimes get around with negative people under the environment in reality.



You talk like they talk, you dress like they dress, you earn like they earn.Your friends and your environment influences you the most, so be careful of what kind of person you get along with.If your family members are your best friends who are always on your side and enhance you, help you, encourage you and bring positive energy upon you. You are so lucky, but if not, what you can do?


In this passage bellow will give you some clue on how to strengthen your self-confidence, how to adjust yourself under any kinds of environment. Knowing about Subconscious mind study, philosophy is the fundamental knowledge to live a better and successful life.



I like myself, I am significant, I am talented, I can do it, I will make it. I am valuable, I am destined to be successful, i was born to be great.  


On the opposite to self-affirmation , there is self-deny. You are not what exactly they think of you, no one knows you well, even yourself cannot define who you are. What you know of yourself is the perception of you, the concept of you, it’s not the reality of you.That’s illusion, not real. You are effected most of the time by what you think of yourself, not what you really are.


The only Almighty God knows you everything , your mind, thinking, your behavior, your future. In the reality world, people are mislead by the mass media and the people around them. Sometime, your parents, your spouse may speak ill of you, think bad of you, they deny your mind, thinking and abilities. What you can do is to change the situation. You’d better keep a distance from them but it’s not necessary to hurt them anyway.


Formal education makes you a living, self-education makes you a fortune. The education at school is just a training program, train yourself to dominate yourself well, be self-discipline and learn to acquire new knowledge and new skill at a short period of time. 


The definition of goal. Financial goal, relationship goal, health goal, spiritual goal, self-development goal, self-grow goal, success goal and so on, the goal doesn’t exist along, they are connected with each other.


Self discipline is another important skill on how to achieve your personal goal. No pain, no gain.To every promise you make, you have to pay a price.The price of time, money, emotion, efforts and so on.


 If you want to have a healthy body like an athlete, you need to go to gym, walking on the running machine and do some exercises, meanwhile you should be careful about your eating habit and have a sufficient sleeping.


Living a positive life begins from self-affirmation.