“We feel confident in our future because we know that the founders of ACN always plan ahead.”

-Chantelle Burt



Aaron and Chantelle Burt first fell in love with ACN’s services and opportunity. Then they fell in love with each other.


It’s a universal truth that everyone likes to save money and to make money. The great thing about ACN, say Aaron and Chantelle Burt, is that this business allows people to do just that. “I wasn’t looking for anything when a friend introduced me to the ACN opportunity, but when I went to a meeting, it just made a lot of sense, ”says Aaron, who previously worked as a fifth-grade teacher and started his business hoping to pay off outstanding student loans.


 His wife ,Chantelle, joined ACN before meeting Aaron, and recalls a similar experience. She was working as an electrical engineer and hoped her business could provide extra income to support her mother, who cared for Chantelle’s grandmother, who was suffering from Alzheimer’s.





“ I quickly saw how simple it is to bring ACN’s services into everyday conversations,” Chantelle says,“Anyone can do this business. Even if they choose only to do it part-time, they can still find value and great results.”

 For Aaron, ACN is unique because of the company’s pricing, special programs and customer service. He advises new prospects to stay consistent and do something for their business every single day. “ACN isn’t something you go out to do-it’s something you do while you’re out, ”he says.



 Learning to accept emotions while continuing to move forward is something Chantelle advises new prospects to consider. “You have to understand why you feel the way you do, but not get discouraged,” she says, “Discipline your disappointment so that you can keep doing it anyway. There are mentors in the business who have been down the same path you’re on. Be coachable.”





 Chanelle and Aaron were both successful with ACN before becoming partners in life.But now, married for seven years and the parents of four children, they’re truly living the life of their dreams. “We feel confident in our future because we know that the founders of ACN always plan ahead, ”Chanelle says.


 It’s especially interesting to think of the technology to come, Aaron adds. “One of the best parts of ACN is that we have a well-established distribution channel, so we can be ready with the latest innovations. No matter what technology does, we’re always going to be adding more states and countries to our services. And the bigger the company gets, the more they give back. It’s a wonderful thing to be part of. ”