A strange drink | HappyField わーるど

HappyField わーるど




The speaker of the blog is NeYhaaa



My friend bought a strange drink yesterday



She said

かっこThis drink contains lactic acid bacteria a lot. 

  It will be good in our body(^▽^)かっこ


「 Oh!Beauty in the body is essential for girls手 」( Do not say “ Not girls ” Lol汗)


And she drank it first


かっこWowびっくりマーク What is this taste びっくりぼよんぎくっぎくっぎくっかっこ


「 What happened? 」


かっこ​​​​​​It's too acidicびっくり It's not sweetびっくり I can not drink it ☆((>д<))かっこ


「 Really?  I am afraid of drinking it 雨 」








「 。。。。。It's delicious, is not it? 」



I was surprised because she was too surprised σ^_^;

It is the taste of Japanese yogurt drink

It was really very delicious きらきら




It was such a happening, but the problem is from here ...



Lactic acid bacteria do good work (Lol)

We were convinced that we could be beautiful from inside our body (Lol Lol)


I will leave this meaning to your imagination (//////)





Oops電球 I will post information on ios on the next blog (;^ω^A










Thank you for happyfield always