The Stages of Development of Love | 幸福の科学を語る!?ブログ


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YouTubeの「Angels' Morning call 」よりクローバー


"The Stages of Development of Love【Angels’ Morning Call Vol.15】


◇The Laws of Happiness: Love, Wisdom, Self-Reflection and Progress
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Welcome to "Angels' Morning Call"!
In Angels’ Morning Call we deliver to you in simple words, the Happy Science Teachings of Master Ryuho Okawa, who guides all humanity on earth to happiness through Buddha’s Truth.

This is the 15th episode, entitled "The Stages of Development of Love".

In the last episode, we've learned that True Love is not to take, just to give. It's also the condition to entering heaven. This time, to learn more about love, let's think on "the Stages of Development of Love". Love has the stages of development. You can actually improve your love and go up defferent stages. As your love develops, you can give love to more people and your happiness increases. What is the point of it? Let's watch!

【More Info.】
◇Happy Science Official Website


◇HappyScienceOfficial(YouTube Channel)
   / @happyscienceofficial4553  








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