One Violinist who Found Love for Faith ー Maxine, | 幸福の科学を語る!?ブログ


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YouTubeの「Angels' Morning call 」よりクローバー


One Violinist who Found Love for Faith ー Maxine, from AUS 【Vol.1】


♦An Unshakable Mind: How to Overcome Life's Difficulties
↓Purchase from here!

Welcome to "Angels' Morning Call"  that brings you awakening messages from Happy Science. 
This time, we would like to present a free talk titled "One Violinist who found Love for Faith".

While studying music at a university in Australia, Maxine was given a book by her friend.
The book, "An Unshakable Mind," written by Ryuho Okawa, taught her the importance of looking after mind and how to utilize it. 
Thanks to this, she became able to give love to others in playing the violin.
After that, she also read other books by Ryuho Okawa.
 As she read those books, her life changed dramatically...

【Recommended Books】
◇The Laws of the Sun: One Source, One Planet, One People
◇The Ten Principles from El Cantare: Ryuho Okawa's First Lectures on His Basic Teachings
◇The Ten Principles from El Cantare: Ryuho Okawa's First Lectures on His Wish to Save the World


【More Info.】
◇Happy Science Official Website
◇HappyScienceOfficial(YouTube Channel) 

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