My sons are 10 and 8 years old.

私の息子は10歳と8歳です 照れ


When I have lessons at home, my sons have to do their homework or play on their own quietly.

自宅でレッスンがある時には静かに自分たちで宿題をしたり、遊んだりしなければなりません アセアセ


Last year, they couldn't do that, and they used to have quarrels.

昨年はそれが出来なくて、口喧嘩をすることがありました ガーン


When I heard the loud shouting or the door slamming, I had to leave the classroom to tell my sons to quiet down.

大声で怒鳴ったり、ドアをバタンと閉めたりする音が聞こえた時には、レッスンを中断して息子達に静かにするように、言いに行かなければなりませんでした プンプン


On several occasions, I had to have a serious sit-down conversation with my sons and explain that I am working, and the noise they are making is disturbing the class.



Of course, they understand and apologized for causing trouble.

勿論、息子たちは直ぐに理解してくれてトラブルを起こした事を謝りました しょんぼり


but when they are upset about something, such consideration goes out the window!

でも、(息子達は)何かに腹を立てると、そのような思いは脳裏によぎりません イラッ


Having said that, they have not caused any trouble for a very long time.

しかし!息子たちは長い間、何のトラブルも起こしていないのです! ラブラブ


Perhaps since last summer?

夏以降かも知れません 晴れ


Wednesdays are a very busy day for both me and my sons.

水曜日は私も息子達もとてもバタバタする日です アセアセ


My sons take Karate lessons and need to leave home at 17:30.

息子達は空手のお稽古の為に、5時半に家を出発します 車


And they have a double karate lesson, so they dont come home until 21:30.

この日はダブルレッスンがあるので、帰宅は9時半です お月様


They need to complete their homework and finish dinner before 17:30.

なので、出発の5時半までに宿題を終え、夕食も食べなければなりません ナイフとフォーク


I teach a group lesson from 16:30.

私は4時半から自宅でレッスンがあります  イギリス


Therefore, I need to have their dinner on the table at before 16:30.

ですから4時半までに夕食をテーブルにセットしています ナイフとフォーク



My 8-year-old son comes home at 15:20 and starts his homework then.

8歳の息子は3時20分位に帰宅して宿題をはじめます 鉛筆


My ten-year-old son comes home at 16:00 and completes his homework as quickly as possible

10歳の息子は4時に帰宅して、急いで宿題を済ませています グッ


After that they both sit down to have their dinner.

その後、二人とも夕食につきます ナイフとフォーク


At 17:15, they change into their karate gear and wait for me to finish the lesson.

5:15には空手道着に着替えて、私がレッスンを終えるのを待ってくれています ルンルン


Then I take my sons to their karate lesson.

そして、空手道場へと連れていきます 車


As you can see, I really am not able to give instructions to my sons to do this and do that, etc.



My sons CAN do what they need to do, and they do check the clock to make sure they are on time.



How they have grown!



Seeing the empty dishes after my lesson gives me great pleasure.

レッスンの後の空っぽのお皿を見るのはとても喜ばしい事です キラキラ


Today, on the way to Karate, I told my sons how proud I am

that they are quiet during lessons,

can complete their homework,

finish all their dinner,

and change their clothes,

all without a parent guidance.

今日は空手への道中で、息子達を褒めました グッ







Really, really proud.

とってもとっても誇らしいです ラブ


My sons are growing up!

息子たちは成長した ラブラブ