

試しに「ファビピラビルはCOVID-19に有効か?(Is favipiravir effective for COVID-19?)」と入力してみたら、いちばん上に表示されたのは「Favipiravir possibly exerted no significant beneficial effect in the term of mortality in the general group of patients with mild to moderate COVID-19.」とファビピラビルの効果に否定的で、その根拠は2021年に発表されたシステマティックレビュー論文でした(Sci Rep.2021; 11: 11022.)。でも2番目は「Based on the results and discussions, it is concluded that favipiravir is effective to be used as an antiviral drug in the treatment of COVID-19.」と肯定的で、その根拠はインドネシアの病院の診療記録を用いた観察研究(RCTではない)でした。


ちなみにPerplexity.AIくすり×リテラシー2023年2月5日2月6日3月12日)で同じ入力をしてみたら、「There are mixed findings on the efficacy of Favipiravir for COVID-19 treatment. Some studies suggest that it may not have a significant beneficial effect on mortality in patients with mild to moderate COVID-19, while others indicate that it has strong potential for treating COVID-19, especially in patients with mild-to-moderate illness. It is important to note that additional well-designed studies are needed to reach definitive conclusions. Pre-clinical in vivo data is also important for the development of effective antiviral drugs for COVID-19」と表示され、最初に引用されていた論文は上記と同じScientific Reportsでした。全体を要約してくれる点ではPerplexity.aiのほうが便利な印象です。

