
When asked “What kind of country is Japan?”


Japan has its own calendar system called Koki (Japanese Imperial Year) which was established in 1872 (Meiji 5). This calendar system year started when Jimmu became the first emperor of Japan in 660 BC. Year 2017 is Koki 2677. We celebrate National Foundation Day on February 11th every year. Japan has a long history and the current emperor is the 125th.


As written in the “Kojiki”, the oldest extant chronicle, the emperor governs the people by respect “shirasu” and not by force “ushihaku”. We respect each other and do not fight unless necessary. We find gods, eight million gods, in nature, every day life and things. 


The concept that humans are also part of nature makes us feel “Gratitude” and “Fear” toward it, relying on Japan’s rich nature with its four seasons, a connection to culture, and living to establish higher cultural levels. 
Since ancient times, Japanese have a global perspective, positively adopting the "technologies" of other countries, transferring them into something new that fits the climate of Japan, and is enjoyed as our unique "culture." Also, despite the ultimate mixture of ethnicity of Asia, people strongly feel they are a single race.


It is said that Japan is shaped like a dragon or dragonfly. It is thin and long stretching from north to south. The land and it’s ocean lies over where the Pacific, Philippine, North American, Eurasian plates come together, has a lot of natural disasters, climates variation, cultures, people and dialects. It feels like the entire world is condensed into these small Japanese islands. 


Japan ended its isolation and opened up to the West during the Meji period (1868 - 1912) and after WWII, Japanese culture and the education system are influenced by Western culture tremendously. As a result, many Japanese stopped recognizing our own beauty and lost connection to our own culture. However, I believe that there is an important role that only Japan can serve in the world because it is a country far east where all the Asian cultures meet.

~ 舞踊は祈り
人の生きる本当の意味を ~

Dancing is a prayer
Light up people’s hearts
Thorough dance I want to tell
The true meaning of people’s life