UKロック2015年の胎動ニューカマー7選 Buzz bands Vol. 27 | NMC - Music Recommendation and Discovery. Plus, more music from New Names.

NMC - Music Recommendation and Discovery. Plus, more music from New Names.

最前線からのリポート...From London - New Music Connoisseur : Reviews, Reports, Opinion and Discussion!

新人バンド、未知なるバンドをプレイリストにコンパイルして紹介する「Buzz Playlists」の「Buzz bands on buzz bands Vol. 27」。 未知なるMusicを見つけてください。Enjoy!

New Blood – No. 562 ザ・アーティクル (The Article)

Region: ヨーク(York), England, UK.

Members: Robert Fisher (vocals, guitar), Matt Orr (synth), Jacob Burtenshaw (bass), and Cameron Etherton (drums).

Links: FacebookTumblrTwitter.

The Article – Robbers

New Blood – No. 563

Region: ロンドン(London), England, UK.

Members: Niall Rowan (Lead Vocals / Guitar), Daniel Connolly (Guitar / Backing Vocals), Michael Hanrahan (Bass), and Ryan Connolly(Drums).

Links: FacebookOfficial WebsiteTwitter.

Sisteray - She Likes The Drama (Official Video)

New Blood – No. 564
オキシジェン・シーヴズ(Oxygen Thieves)

Region: ウィラル(Wirral), England, UK.

Members: Alex Fewtrell, Rob Fewtrell, Dan Tilling and Alex Rose.

Links: FacebookTwitter.

Oxygen Thieves - To Boast

New Blood – No. 565
(Ring Ring Rouge)

Region: バーンリー(Burnley), England, UK.

Members: Michael Connell, Clive Durkin, Gary Starr and Shaun Starr.

Links: FacebookTwitter.

Ring Ring Rouge – Strangers

New Blood – No. 566

Region: ロンドン(London), England, UK.

Members: Jasper Erkens(vocals / guitar). On stage- Stephen Keyes (keys) and André Fisher (drums).

Links: FacebookOfficial WebsiteTwitter.

Altrego - Miraculous Epiphanies

New Blood – No. 567 

Region: ロンドン(London), England, UK.

Members: r.sotelo, d.akerman and i.mendiola.

Links: FacebookTumblrTwitter.

JOYA - It's a Stretch

New Blood – No. 568 

Region: ロンドン(London), England, UK.

Members: Sean Bean, Simon Nilsson, Petter Grevelius, Wiya Ngeh Hellborg and Sven Bailey.

Links: FacebookTwitter.

Francobollo // Steven Hawkins