一週間じゃ無理 | The Wonder Room

The Wonder Room

⚫︎2003ロンドン在住〜国際結婚⚫︎2007ビジネス経営学BTEC資格取得⚫︎バイヤー&ファッショニスタとして活動⚫︎現在二児の母⚫︎娘を家庭学習で支えトップ私立女子校に7歳で合格⚫︎日本の子供達を国際的観点で応援していきたいです。Instagram: invisible_door

Safety and your vehicle

◆Motor vehicles can harm the environment.

  1. air pollution
  2. damage to buildings
  3. using up natural resources

◆Increased Fuel Consumption is caused by:

  • Under inflated tyres
  • Harsh braking
  • Harsh, rapid acceleration
  • A roof rack
  • Over-revving in low gear
  • Carrying unnecessary weight

◆To Improved Fuel Consumption:

  • Plan you journey
  • Use gently, steady acceleration
  • Get your car serviced regularly
  • Reduce your speed
  • Watch traffic and plan ahead
  • Cycle, walk & use public transport
  • Avoid very short car journeys
  • Miss out some gears when conditions allow

◆Driving at 70mph uses 30% more fuel than driving at 50mph

Catalytic Converters are part of the exhaust system. They reduce toxic exhaust emissions.

Road transport accounts for 20% of all emissions.

Red routes in cities exist to help the traffic flow.

◆Never leave vehicle documents in a car.

◆Etching the car number on the windows may deter car theft, as does adding an immobiliser.


Life in the UKのテストでも、同じこと言ってたような・・・。


