Hana no Sumi Tsushin  Flower ink communication

  Vol.14 No.9  Published on September 2, 2024

      "Welcome to Lotus World" 

        Part (182-2)  


Q614 The story is quite interesting. What did Jutoku consult, and what advice did the peacock give him? We'd love to hear from you. 

A615 Yes, we can roughly deduce that this is how the dialogue may have been. It should be roughly like this.


 Dialogue between Jutoku and Peacock


Jutoku  I'm worried. I can't think of any good wisdom.

Peacock  It's rare for a grandpa to be bothered. What is it?

Jutoku: It's an overtourism problem. Tourist spots everywhere are struggling. However, there is no good way out.

Peacock That's an exciting act by foreign customers, which is popular right now. You can enter a no-entry area without permission and take a shot, or you can persistently ask Mr./Ms. Maiko to take a shot.

Jutoku Well, that's right. No offense, but it's a big nuisance. That's why we ban trespassing, prohibit photography, and that doesn't stop us.

Peacock: That's ridiculous. It is a manifestation of the lack of wisdom of modern humans. Don't understand what you mean?

Jutoku  I don't understand at all. I admit that the modern world has not stopped wars and is full of stupid and cunning things like launching missiles with small hydrogen bombs on board. But good wisdom doesn't come to mind. Pathetic!

Peacock: Okay. Now, let me give you a hint for those who lack wisdom. It is not good to take measures individually. You think about it as a whole. Then a good plan comes to mind. Don't understand what you mean?

Jutoku I  don't know at all. What does that mean?

Peacock: Here's a hint. In Japan, the National Sports Festival has been the star of sports competitions since the end of World War II. However, in the 21st century, the extremely low birthrate and aging population have progressed, local government finances have become difficult, and the national government has been criticized for spending too much money. Naturally. This predicament must be reversed.

                                 (End of this month's series)