Hana no Sumi Tsushin Flower ink communication

  Vol. 14, No. 9  published on September1, 2024   

        by hanjyun Hanazumi  

 " Welcome to Lotus World "   

     (181― )          


Q604 This is a strange story. It's a scientifically impossible delusion, right?

A605 No, it's scientifically possible. This is because in the 21st generation, the "identity of qi" is completely unknown, but there is no doubt that its reality will be revealed in the future. The results of Qigong treatment, which are told by thousands of years of experience in Oriental medicine, show that there is an unknown natural law called Qi in this world. It's not a lie. You can't dismiss it as a delusion.

Q605 Is that so? I understood. So where on earth did the tiger and the jutoku gallop?

A606 This is the middle of the 21st century, so it is the stage of the US-China confrontation. Drone drones are flying around, and traffic control radars are seeing through the sky in all directions. The tiger that carried the 10 gains furiously runs in such a dangerous sky. It's not fast enough to evade radar networks, but it's no match for any quark. So the radar network is useless. This is a tremendously minute airflow. On the other hand, the unmanned aerial vehicle has a built-in semiconductor of 1.25 nm (nano mm = 1/1 billionth of a millimeter), but a whirlpool of qi that far exceeds that is surrounding the tiger. The mysterious ability to evade the radar network is in this whirlpool of qi.

Q606  So the war of the future has finally begun, and the tiger will run through the battlefield of the bamboo tree?    

A607 Yes, small hydrogen bombs have already been used in the Russian invasion of Poland. President Putin has already died, and World War III, commanded by the next generation of leaders, is waging a fierce battle with the forces of NATO countries. The whole world is watching the situation with no way out

Q607  The sky is terrifying. What a human being! How stupid is that?

A608 Yes, exactly. It's just a short-term desire. How can humanity become <peace-oriented> Don't you have a good way out?

Q608  UN is hopeless as it is now. We have no choice but to appeal to the leaders of the United Nations and the elite leadership of the superpowers for a breakthrough. World leaders don't have the wisdom to break through.

A609 In fact, the unavoidable action of trying to open up this hopeless situation was the idea of Ten Gains. Jutoku, who had been pondering world peace for a long time, took action to propose a breakthrough to the United Nations General Assembly with the help of the "tiger might" if possible. It was the end of years of thinking about it.

Q609  It's really pathetic. What a stupid idea the human brain has! It's mind-boggling.

A610 Yes, exactly. Everyone today is just caught up in short-term desires. I can't think of anything important. How can humanity become peace-oriented? Don't you have a good way out?

Q610: Certainly, the only way to achieve this is to establish a good security policy at the United Nations. So what did the "miracle man on the tiger" Jutoku propose to the UN General Assembly?    (Continued at 181-2)