Hana no Sumi Tsushin    Flower ink communication

  Vol. 1, No. 8 published on August, 202     

            by  anjyun  Hanazumi  

" Welcome to Lotus World "   

     (179― )               



 Are you going to flood a huge tide?


  The tree in the Garden of Eden was cut down.

  At the end of the century, when a monster bird flutters into the eastern sky

  On the dying shoulders you are carrying

  What kind of final judgment are we going to take? 


  Why do you go with thorns in your eyes


      (from the poetry collection "Requiem Record" (published by Geifu Shoin))


Q597 If this is the case, then it is increasingly impossible for the Buddhist way of thinking to <great illusion> beyond Paul. And yet, it is impossible to go beyond Paul and beyond Christianity. No way. How do you overcome that? 

A598 No, there is only one way out. 

Q598 Yes, no way! What kind of road is it?

A599 What! We control the poison with the poison. In other words, Jesus will be the person himself. In other words, like Jesus, we are close to the poor, and heaven is here! I point to it. 

Q599  I don't understand the meaning at all. What does that mean? 

A600 Nichiren, which already appeared in the Kamakura period, has a similar form. What they have in common with Jesus is that they have a similar attitude toward the times and fought against the times. That's exactly where you can see the innovation that was ahead of the times. Nichiren called himself "Sendara Son" and said that he was not a child of a family that he could boast to others, but that he was from a lowly background.                               

(Continued at 179-2)