Hana no Sumi Tsushin Flower ink communication

    Vol. 1, No. 7   published on June2, 202     

         by Hanjyun  Hanazumi 

 " Welcome to Lotus World "  

       (176― )      


A584 As I said earlier, if there is a religion that can survive in the age of ultra-high mechanisms, it is Buddhism. All religions are swallowed up by science, but Buddhism is the only religion that survives because it does not contradict science. This is because Buddhist teachings are atheistic, believing that all existence is made up of relationships and that there is no transcendent entity in this world.

 The star of modern science is the theory of elementary particles. The ultimate in this is the theory of vacuum. A vacuum is not a place where there is nothing, but an invisible fullness, and its elucidation is considered the best mystery. This is actually an idea close to Mahayana Buddhist enlightenment. In other words, the Buddha teaches that the enlightenment of the macrocosm is a vacuum, and that it is not a perfect void, but a place full of the unspeakable unknown.

 When you look at it this way, what an exquisite panse (contemplation) Buddhist thinking is! You might think so. The question is after this. The essence of Buddhism is so wonderful, and so on! Compared to Christianity, it is so unattractive that it is not a problem. There is no richness of illusion. So the flower of fantasy is not in full bloom.

 Buddhism is a silent dead tree that speaks of the silence of the earth. By teaching that everything in this world is vain, such as withering, sinking to the earth, bowing one's head, etc., he teaches that if one is not distracted by selfishness, then true spiritual richness can be attained. This is a paradoxical law that leads to the truth.

Q584  I understand what you are saying. Buddhism is constantly denying, and at the end of it, there is nothing, but it is itself the essence of life! It seems to be saying. It's like a Zen question, isn't it? Detachment is the key. With such an ultimate energy-saving method, let the fantasy bloom in various religious art venues such as Christianity! It's impossible to say. How about?

A585 If you say that, it's over. If this happens, there will be no choice but to coexist with excellent androids (imitation humans) in the future, so the only way out is to create a swirl of illusions that will impress androids and various robots. In other words, it blooms a fantasy culture that is as good as Christianity! That's the only way.

Q585  It's been amazing. If we ordinary people can't do it, we will give up immediately. Please show us the challenge.

A586 Yes, I don't have the power, but let's try to use the wisdom that we don't have.

  There are three wonderful things about the Buddhist spirit that lives in the age of ultra-high mechanisms. The first is that it is intrinsic. It means that we should look at the cause rather than the effect. The results are in the past and cannot be changed. Don't get caught up in the results, but always take on challenges, and this is the main cause of the problem. This is called the lower seed Buddhism in the sense that the main focus is to plant the seed that will become a Buddha. Nice words, isn't it?                                                                                                             (To be continued on the 3rd of tomorrow)