Hana no Sumi Tsushin  Flower ink communication

    Vol.14 No.3    Published on April 2, 2024

 " Welcome to the Lotus World " 


     by Hanjhyun Hanazumi 


A551 Let's elaborate on this a bit. At first, we are conscious of the time coordinates that flow from the past to the present and then to the future. This time coordinate was an idea that came to me two and a half years later, when I was in front of the Buddhist altar every morning for three hours. You will acquire the habit of dividing it into horizontal X-axis = pasticity = adaptability and vertical Y-axis = futurity = creativity. The past is a solidified time, and once an event has passed, it cannot be replaced. It's useless to regret it. The future is still a soft time because you can do whatever you want. It's fluffy and elusive.

 The next stage is the practice of being aware that there is no time. Past events are only in memory. The future has not yet begun, and I can only say that there is hope within me. If you think about it, the present is a moment of contact = a fusion of memory and hope. You can't see a moment in the present that passes. It's far too fast. This can be said to be the nothingness of the moment.

 If we think that living in this way is momentarily nothing, and if we become aware that the present is a time when the congealing past and the flexible future subtly touch, then the gap in time that approaches the infinity of the present can be seen as emptiness. To put it bluntly, momentary nothingness is a vacuum, and if you continue to be aware of this, there will come a moment when you will feel that the vacuum is an invisible fullness. Isn't this exactly ZEN (Zen no Satori)?

Q551 I see, it's difficult, but I can understand it vaguely. By the way, in the path of happiness that I mentioned earlier, there are strange words such as being aware of the qi (qi) of the vacuum from the three stages, and believing in the existence of the qi (qi) that fills it. What exactly is this qi? It would be wonderful if we could capture the law of qi (qi) movement, but isn't it impossible with the current state of science?

A552 That's true. Qi is at the heart of the 5,000-year tradition of Chinese medicine. Despite this, the scientific elucidation of its existence has not been possible at all. However, it has actually been effective in clinical settings and has been proven by results. In other words, we don't know the cause at all, but for the time being, the results are out.

 This is similar to a quantum field. Light can be measured in both the form of particles and waves, but at the same time, it cannot be measured in that form. It will always be one or the other. We can only say that the photons will be in a state of superposition. Thus, even though the cause is unknown, quantum computers are actually appearing using this superposition. You don't know the cause, but you have results.

However, we cannot ignore the qi that has achieved so many results. In English, it is distinguished from air (air = air) and is written as qi (qi). The cause of its identity is completely unknown, but it is such a great mystery that I want to try to elucidate.     (Continued at 167-2)