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I play therefore I am

Different "values."

I guess it all comes down to this one word,

I like you and I feel comfortable with you, but there are times when I just can't be with you.

I am often different from the person I was last year, or in some cases, the person I was in the same place last month.

I feel lonely, but there are not many people in this world who can keep moving on.

It's not a goodbye, it's not about leaving.

I'm not mocking you, it's just... the reality is that orcas and fish can't be together forever.

It's just that it may come sooner or later,

But they will always be friends.

How many days out of 365 do you have to look up and stay positive? Maybe you are 365 days, maybe successful people are basically like that, but people are not that strong. But people are not that strong. Maybe they only need 100 days to think like you. Maybe some people don't.

You know that story about Kobe Bryant shooting from 3am? That's already a funny story in the social networking world, but you don't know why it's an anecdote for you, right?

It's normal for people to be like that.

It'll be better if you do it, right? The USA national team was able to win the gold medal because they did exactly what they said they would do as an example of how to do it.

How did you feel when you saw that Netflix video? It's "rare" that you watch it thinking that you have unfinished business and if you do it, you will still rise to the top and get the money, status, honor, and satisfaction.

Most of the time, you're looking at 'wow' or 'play,' and you can't even 'read the textbook' without grasping the author's intent.

Don't miss that and move on.

I was told by my own mentor on the way to my morning training and rehab before I went to the gym.

I believe that sacrifice and the word commonly used is "choice".

I don't know what the point of anecdotes are, even though I can learn from them.

If those who have reached the goal have done it first, how can the rest of us catch up if we don't do it?

This is one of my criteria...

When I look to the right and to the left and prefer to be in an environment where there are many people who are similar to me, or when I have the mentality of seeking empathy or seeking agreement from others, I am already on a downward spiral.

I believe that when you want to run, when you think you can run, you should run until you can no longer see the world around you, regardless of what others may think.

Learn from history

If you want to be unique

If you want to be unique, don't live a life that is understood by the majority.

The understanding of the masses will come much later.

You have to be your own number one person who understands you and your own number one antagonist.

I play therefore I am