Burning Red #Haivel | ヘーブルのブログ


Hello! I'm Haivel. I write personal stuff in myブログ. If you can read English feel free to follow me if you're interested.

August 29 2018

Hello Everyone! ヘーブルですお

This will be my first post in this app, I really don't how how it function but I will still post! (*> ω <*) Terrell

I'm sorry I can't write in Japanese, I'm not a Japanese but I want to learn the language so I decide to create an account!

Which is this! ヾ (@ ° ▽ ° @) ノ

Today is August 30, but I wrote the date August 29. Why is that? Because the blog that I'm about to write happened on that day!

Me and My Friends when to watch Crazy Rich Asian! Its was really fun! I really enjoy it! I also cried 2 times o (TωT)

After watching the film we stayed at the Starbucks I order English Breakfast Tea Latte (^ ∇ ^)


It's really yummy! (^ ε ^) ♪




After my friend Jesi leave because he has school tomorrow! This is the three of us by the way ヾ (@ ° ▽ ° @) ノ




Jesi is the guy, Thea is the girl, and the girl in red clothing is Me (〃 ∇ 〃)

I really love this people. (● 'ω `●) ゞ

After Jesi left, Thea and I took some nice photos in & outside the Mall (^ O ^)


Thea took this photo before we went in the Starbucks o (^ ▽ ^) o

And this...


When Jesi left ヾ (@ ° ▽ ° @) ノ



This shot is really pretty ❤❤❤


 Finally ❤ My favorite! It look so cool ❤❤❤ 

Thank You Thea ❤ 


バイバイ  (^ O ^) /