"[READ DOWNLOAD]  Classic Railroad Signals: Semaphores, Searchlights, and Towers

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[READ DOWNLOAD]  Classic Railroad Signals: Semaphores, Searchlights, and Towers 
Classic Railroad Signals: Semaphores, Searchlights, and Towers Signals have been a fundamental part of railroad operating rules since the nineteenth century. For decades, semaphores, color lights, searchlights, and position lights have provided railroads with vital operating instructions. North American railway signaling is a complex and fascinating topic owing to differences in philosophy, a variety of hardware, and varying degrees of signal protection required by different railway companies. In 1912, The Signal Engineer—a trade magazine published for the benefit of signaling professionals— wrote that “The language of signaling is expressive and picturesque to a high degree.??          This book offers a look back at classic signaling while there’s still an opportunity to experience the old signals at work. If a signaling enthusiast had a time machine, turning back the clock to the period between 1910 and 1925 would offer the opportunity to study the greatest variety of practices 