"[READ DOWNLOAD]  Colombia Travel Reference Map (Waterproof) 1:1,300,000

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DOWNLOAD/PDF  Colombia Travel Reference Map (Waterproof) 1:1,300,000 
Colombia is developing into one of the best touristic destinations in South America. It is easy to reach from North America and has invested heavily as a country in promoting tourism. We have been in the country twice since the last edition of our map was published, so this edition benefits from a wealth of new information and features. The map is printed on plastic waterproof paper for both durability and for standing up to usage in a humid tropical country. As a new feature, we have added a listing of the top attractions of Colombia, such as the salt cathedral of Zipaquira, the gold museum in Bogota (a must-see!!), and the Castilla overlooking Cartagena. The map includes excellent inset maps of Bogota, Cartagena, and Cali, as well as inset maps of San Andreas and Providencia Islands. Colombia is working hard to catch up on a huge backlog of infrastructural development, so expect to see road crews hard at work making all our updated highway information obsolete! It s nice to see 