I bought a leather book cover(and I bought black one for my family member).

If I were to select one book cover for this year, I would choose this one.

I dearly love book covers, so I tend to collect them (actually, I love collecting almost EVERYTHING.)

Well, I finally joined a fan club! Jee (Finnish way of saying Yay)!

I’d love to contribute however small it may be to Oshi. It’s the first time I have ever joined someone’s fan club anyway. But I’ll stop here, since it must be a bore to hear about others’ Oshis. 

Well, I’ll go back there…Can I do it? I’m not sure, but there’s no way but to do it. I’ll try it again.

I was not going back, at first, but I changed my mind. I must face the reality and not flee. I must be brave. I think that’s what the Life requires of me. Here comes Logotherapy! I must interact with people, not hiding beneath the sheets (so to speak).

I was listening to German pop playlist, and I encountered the melody I’ve heard somewhere. Sie will nur love by Jona. I tried for a while and found out that this song originated from She Will Be Loved by Maroon 5 (actually, I just translated the title and found the song on YouTube). I can’t find any information about this (or is it because everyone knows this?), so I wrote here. 

Thank you for being so kind to read my article!