I had some revelations and I babbled about them, but I won’t write it because maybe it only makes sense to me. 
Well, I get easily influenced, so I enjoy reading books and getting new ideas. (Looking on the bright side, you can say.)

I went to Frontiers of Impressionism: Paintings from the Worcester Art Museum in Ueno.

I simply love looking at paintings, so I enjoyed immensely. I especially like Impressionism and Surrealism, actually. I’d been really looking forward to this for so long…

By the way, I was surprised by how crowded it was. Hmm. I will avoid crowded times next time.

Well, it’s the season for new radio courses!

I started ten languages (all of them, actually). I thought I did all of the languages the last time, but I didn’t. Portuguese was missing. Can I do it? I’m not sure, but I’m determined to do my best.

Learning foreign languages is so much fun! I’m also doing Duolingo, and it’s fun, too. It offers so many languages, and I love it.

I ordered new Kindle (Kindle Paperwhite signature edition). I will give my used Kindle to Father, as he said he wants it. I’m looking forward to it. I’ve been using my Kindle for nine years, so I want to use the new one for long, too.

Thank you for reading my article as always!