Long time no see. Sorry. 
I’ve bought only six pieces of clothes so far. I used ‘only’, since last year was disaster.

I didn’t know that I don’t hate studying. If I had known this when I was a teenager! Anyway, I want to read 読むだけで身につく世界の教養365 series. Well, no complete version in Kindle. So I must order them at bookstores. I love self-cultivation!

Do you know FIRE? Financial independence, early retirement. I’d like to aim for Side FIRE. Hmm, I need to be frugal, then. I need more knowledge and more skills, either. 

Where has sophisticated lifestyle gone? I’m not sure. This weblog started because I was impressed by Madame Chic books, as long as I remember…
Well, intelligence and girlishness are imperative for me. They may seem completely different, but they can coexist. Financial topic is a bit out of the range. 

Well, I’m considering of uploading a photo of OOTD. I’m not sure.
But thank you always for reading my article!