




Hello everyone. I am a beginner with disabilities. Recently, I came across posts on a local Facebook community board where some individuals were expressing their grievances to city council members, while others were criticizing the incompetence of these council members. I found it quite unnatural that none of the city council members who are active on Facebook responded to these posts. This prompted me to share my thoughts, which I had been contemplating for some time.

Now, if you dislike discussions about politics or educational backgrounds, feel free to close this post. What I am about to write is purely my personal opinion. When it comes to the qualities of politicians, I believe that most people become council members for two primary reasons: to prove themselves superior to others and for their own benefit. I’ve noticed that some council members who fit this description are those who neglected effort during the period from age 14 to 25, failed in their academic pursuits (study, higher education, or employment), and now seek to outshine those who did not face similar setbacks.

In society, it takes considerable time to achieve a certain status or title. For instance, I spent around 15 years at Asahi Kasei before reaching a position equivalent to a section chief in the corporate world. However, when someone becomes a council member, they instantly acquire the title of “sensei” (teacher). Additionally, many council members are self-employed or engaged in agriculture, which means they secure a fixed-income dream. A city council member earns around 500,000 yen per month, resulting in an annual income of 6 million yen. How many years of work would it take to earn 6 million yen?

The allure of titles and fixed salaries seems to be a significant reason for becoming a council member. But there’s another factor: power. By holding this position, individuals gain influence beyond their actual abilities. It’s almost like a drug. If you examine the profiles of those running for office, you’ll notice a pattern. Many lack knowledge beyond a high school level, and their campaign promises often appear to be copied from the internet. For instance, some real estate agents pledge to attract businesses, but their true intention is to profit by gathering blue-collar workers, bulldozing fields, and constructing speculative housing developments

In my opinion, it would be more beneficial for the town if we focused on attracting research institutes with white-collar employees. I recently wrote about this, emphasizing that without adequate input of knowledge, one cannot produce meaningful output. Personally, I have no intention of becoming a council member. However, if I were to run for office, I would set specific conditions for candidacy. For the city council, a minimum score of 400 on the university common test, and for the prefectural council, a minimum score of 500. Additionally, I would mandate a basic understanding of world history and philosophy, at least at the level taught in university liberal arts courses. I’d be willing to teach this material myself.

Now, I wonder what kind of reactions this post would receive if I shared it on the local Facebook community