In Adlerian psychology, developed by Alfred Adler, love is understood as a fundamental human drive that plays a crucial role in individual well-being and social functioning. Here are the key aspects of love according to Adlerian psychology:



1. Social Interest (Gemeinschaftsgefühl)

Adler emphasized the concept of "social interest," which refers to a person's sense of belonging and connectedness to others. Love, in this context, is seen as an expression of social interest, where individuals develop a deep concern for the welfare of others and contribute to the community.

(1. 社会的関心(Gemeinschaftsgefühl)


2. Striving for Superiority

Adler posited that individuals are driven by a desire to overcome feelings of inferiority and strive for superiority, not in a competitive sense, but as a way to fulfill their potential and achieve personal growth. Love is integral to this striving, as it involves mutual respect, support, and encouragement between partners, enabling each person to grow and thrive.

(2. 優越への努力


3. Equality and Mutual Respect

In Adlerian psychology, a healthy loving relationship is based on equality and mutual respect. Partners view each other as equals and support each other’s individual goals and aspirations. This mutual respect fosters a sense of cooperation and harmony in the relationship.

(3. 平等と相互尊重


4. Encouragement and Empowerment

Adlerian psychology highlights the importance of encouragement in love. Partners should encourage and empower each other, helping one another to overcome challenges and develop self-confidence. This supportive dynamic strengthens the bond and promotes personal development.

(4. 励ましとエンパワーメント


5. Cooperation and Contribution

Love is seen as a cooperative effort where both partners contribute to the relationship and to each other’s well-being. This cooperation extends beyond the romantic relationship to include family and community, reinforcing the idea that love and social interest are intertwined.

(5. 協力と貢献


6. Shared Goals and Values

Adler believed that for love to be fulfilling and lasting, partners should share common goals and values. This alignment helps create a unified direction for the relationship, fostering deeper understanding and connection.

(6. 共有された目標と価値観


7. Overcoming Feelings of Inferiority

Adlerian psychology suggests that love helps individuals overcome feelings of inferiority by providing emotional support and validation. In a loving relationship, partners help each other feel valued and capable, contributing to a healthier self-concept.

(7. 劣等感の克服


8. Constructive Living

Adler viewed love as part of a constructive lifestyle where individuals contribute positively to society. A loving relationship encourages personal responsibility, ethical behavior, and a commitment to the greater good.

In summary, from an Adlerian perspective, love is not just an emotion but a vital component of social interest and personal development. It is characterized by mutual respect, cooperation, shared goals, and a commitment to the well-being of others. Love fosters personal growth and contributes to a constructive and socially connected life.

(8. 建設的な生活

