"Read Visualize & Manifest Vision Board Planner: Use the Law of Attraction to Create Your Best Life With This Smart Manifestation Planner, Including Affirmation Journal and Vision Board Pages

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Have you ever created a Vision Board but didn&#8217t see anything on it happen? Did you give up?It&#8217s finally time to go beyond picture cutting and pasting pictures of your dreams, to actually writing your heart&#8217s desires, making a PLAN and applying ACTION to watch it manifest! Let&#8217s get clear on what you desire in your heart, visualize what being/having that looks like and how it will feel. Ask &#8211 Get still and invest some time to meditate/pray.Write &#8211 Write it down (old school pen and paper) in this tool. Visualize -- Imagine what your desires look like and add images.Complete SMART goals -- Focus on one desire at a time and implement steps to success. Start with focusing on the following 4 categoriesFaith &amp SpiritualityLoveFinancial SuccessHealth/FitnessRUN! Get busy! Take action! You don&#8217t have to know all the answers. You are however responsible for taking action with what you know and have at this very moment. Keep in mind, it will manifest! Stay 