"Kindle The Small Book of Million Dollar Golf Tips: 54 of the Most Game Changing Golf Secrets EVERY Golfer Needs to Know but NOBODY Tells You

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Have you ever wanted to crush your drives with effortless power&#8230?Hit your fairways and greens with masterful precision&#8230?Wanted to play a summer of golf without having to worry about your back?And get there in 20% of the time it takes everyone else?Every golfer wants to know the critical secrets to bombing drive and dropping strokes from their game almost overnight.But most golfers are looking in the wrong places.That&#8217s where The Small Book of Million Dollar Golf Tips comes in.Inside you&#8217ll discover the 20% of golf instruction that gives you 80% of the results.Can you imagine?A week from now your fade has completely disappeared, you&#8217re absolutely fearless on the links, and you&#8217re going after every shot like you have magical powers.But it's not magic at all.Instead, it's a combination of scientific phenomena that gets you better, faster.Former professional volleyball player and full time construction worker turned pro golfer, Jasmin Cull takes you through 