"Audiobook I'm Blind I Can't Hear You: A Guide to Visual Listening

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Have you ever wondered why when you were sure you communicated clearly your friend still didn&#8217t get what you were saying? The words we use have attached to them our emotions, our history, our own interpretation, our dreams, our desires, our fears, and so much more. Our words paint pictures in our mind and affect what we hear. Thus, our words don&#8217t have a standard meaning but rather a usage that is influenced by our mental pictures. Not until we see all of this in what the other person is saying, until we have practiced visual listening, has true communication happened. Hardy will show you how your mental pictures affect how you communicate and how you hear others. &#8220Blind shares a new perspective and toolkit on how we should relate to others by improving the clarity of our communication while also building empathy to improve how well we &#171see&#187 and &#171hear&#187 others. Blind has different ways of framing information through a balance of practical exercises, 