Japanese government was asking to take over the rubbles by Tunami to each prefecture in Japan except Iwate and Fukushima area.

Government said "if nobody accept this rubble, we can not reconstruct earthquake-affected area."
Is it true? 
Ishinomaki where the largest amount of rubble holder cleaned the town.  This town has no rubble problem at the moment.  rThey can re-built anything at the back of the city.  All rubble is piled by the sea shore and nicely fractionated.

Total amount of rubble from last year's Tohoku disaster is 25,000,000t.Government is asking to other districts to sprit 4,000,000t of rubble.
Only 4,000,000t???
At disaster-affected area, they are going to take care of 19,000,000t of rubble by themselves in 10 years.
 (why 10 years? At this moment government said we can not approve to make new facility to take care of this rubble at the moment.  If they can make the facility they can shrink the term of cause.)

Anyway, what if nobody will not accept 4,000,000t of garbage.10 years plan will be 12 years.
 Two more years…
What is the difference?
Difference is;
Usually, we process this kind of garbage 15,000yen/t. 
When a Kansai great earth-quick was occurred they had 20,000,000t garbage.
Kansai prefecture never spread these garages.  Garbage process cost was 20,000yen/t.

This time government passed the huge amount of budget for the 
debris-removal in Tohoku area except Fukushima.
How much the coast?  
The rubble from Ishinomaki was 50,000 to 60,000yen/t.

Tokyo has plan to take care of Tohoku rubble, 600,000t.
Last year, Tokyo already accepted 100,000t.
It was taken care by the company which is 95 percent invested by Tepco.
These rubble ware recycled or wind up in a land fill at tokyo bay.
Even before we take care the garbage from Tohoku, we already had problem with refuse incineration ash.  
Its radiation level was too high to discard.
It excessed legal limit, then each waste dump site could not move their ashes.

Our government is telling us that there is nothing to worry about accepting garbage from Tohoku prefecture because we only bring non radiated garbage.

But ...
there is no way to measure the radiation from the rubble technically and scientifically...

Radioactive Rubble