Pumiによる我闘雲舞タイ、2015年4月17日バンコク大会のレポート | 我闘雲舞(ガトームーブ)公式ブログ 








第1試合 ガトーマスク&河童小僧vsペパーミント&フェンリュー&ケンちゃん








パクサーというリングネームは鷹という意味です。彼は高く飛ぶ選手というわけではないのですが、プロレスについてしっかりした考え方の持ち主です。この新人は闘いが始まると熱い情熱を見せてくれました。彼のムエタイのコンビネーションが何度も星誕期にぶち込まれました。しかし、体格がちがいすぎました。星誕期がこのヤングボーイにプロレスを叩きこむのに長い時間は必要としませんでした。アバランシュ式ボディプレスにより、彼の夢は潰えました。そう、ボックス最上段からの! パクサーの初黒星ですが、彼は早くも今夜スターになりました。今後も彼に注目して下さい。





彼の最初の対戦相手は他でもありません、日本のDDTからやってきた世界で有名なビアドリンカー、マサ高梨です。ファンもマサがいつもの彼とはちがうと気づきました。よりシリアスで、この新人を侮りたくないといった雰囲気でした。彼は正しい! ワユの攻撃はマサに期待以上のダメージを与えました。印象的でした! 試合は10分近くに達しましたが、ワユを紹介する試合としては悪い方法ではありませんでした。マサは変形アームロックで勝利しただけでなく、ワユの可能性をみんなに見せるという意味でも勝利したのです。



第4試合 シャラクvsブルーロータス

この日のイベントで最も興味深い試合です! シャラクは日本から来たDJニラの別名で、ブルーロータスはご存じの通り。彼女はタイの歴史で初の女子プロレスラーです。すごいでしょ? シャラクはとてもシリアスなファイターで、タイでの初勝利を求めています。




第5試合 EKバギー&トニー“ゼル”トライバルドvsバッドカンパニー

バッドカンパニーは現在、そして今後も(?)、タイでのベストタッグチームです。彼らの次の狙いは誰か? 彼らの次のレッスンの相手はだれか? 私がそれを考えていたとき、フランスのタッグ王者が私に連絡をしてきて、タイのタッグチームと試合をするにはどうしたらいいかと尋ねてきました。これが始まりです。








DATE : 17.4.15
FANS : 80 paid (Full House)
Our Songkran festival won't be the same because we do pro-wrestling instead of splashing the water! GATOHMOVE Thailand held our third event at BlueBox Studio,M Theatre in the center of Bangkok. This event not only to see the international superstats from Japan but we also meet pro-wrestler from France, Tony Trivaldo, champion from ABC company in France.

Moreover, we have 2 new students debuted. Paksa and Wayu which means Eagles and Storm! We are getting bigger ! In August, we will invade Korakuen Hall! Stay Tune!!!

1. Gatoh Mask & Kappa Kozo vs Peppermint & Fenryu & Ken Chan
This is a handicap match with the team of Thai babyface against the team of mysterious masked man! Kappa Kozo came to Thailand for the second time and again, to team with his friend(?), GatohMask.

The babyface team is currently on fire ! Fenryu just got his first win and seeking to continue the streak while Ken and Peppermint is improving and do not want to lose to anybody.

Kappa even used the advantage of water! He powered up himself with the water gun from GatohMask. It is Songkran style! audiences are very happy!

Finally. It was the trio team that got the win by a brainbuster and bridging combination on GatohMask. The masked man still waiting for his first triumps..

WINNER : 9.11 : Ken Chan (Brainbuster > Gatoh Mask)

2. Paksa vs Hoshitango
(Paksa's debut match)

Wrestle by the name of Paksa which means Eagle. He did not the high-flyer but he does has good vision on how wrestling should be. The high passion of this newbie shown since the beginning of the fight. His Muay Thai conbination landed on Hoshitango a lot! However, with the problem of size different. Hoshitango didn't need so much time to give this young boy a lesson to wrestling world. By stop his dream by the avalance-style body press ! Yes! from the top of the box ! Although it was Paksa's first lost but he became a star in one night already! please keep your eyes on him!

WINNER : Hoshitango (3.34) Diving Body Press
3. Wayu vs Masa Takanashi
(Wayu's debut match)

This is another guy from the GatohMove dojo. A man called Wayu (Storm) also known as "Ikemen" began his career in nearly one year ago. He also a teens model who loves pro wrestling the most. With this high tention. He want to become the bigger star in the future. I think he can do it.

His first task is no other than the original world-famous beer drinker from DDT company,Japan. Masa Takanashi. Even fans can notice that Masa looks different from hos he used to be. More serious and feels like he do not want to underestimate this boy. he is correct! Wayu's offense gave big damages to Masa more than expected! It is impressive! The contest went nearly 1o minutes, not a bad way to introduce himself to the world. Although, it was another victory of Masa by his modified arm lock but we do see good potential from wayu.

WINNER : Masa Takanashi 9.09 (X固め)
4. Sharak vs Blue Lotus.
One of the most interesting match on this event! Sharak is former DJ Nira from Japan while Blue Lotus, as tou may know. She is the very first girl wrestler in the history of Thailand. How awesome it is? Sharak is very serious fighter and looking for his first win in Thailand also.

The match took long time! Sharak used his water split to BlueLotus's face and the crowds went nuts! But fjnally, Lotus won with her trademark Jungle Clutch! Congratulation! Daijoubu Sharaku?

WINNER : Blue Lotus 8.28 (Jungle Clutch)
5. EK Baki & Tony "zell" Trivaldo vs Bad Company.

Bad Company is the best tag team in Thailand now... but then? Who will be their next task? who will be their next lesson? While I am considering this. A French Tag Team Champion contacted me and asked if he can wrestle with Thai's tag team? That is what we start.

without a doubt. Tony Trivaldo is the main person of this main event. fans eager to see him in action but BadCompany also eager to ended his sweet dreams.

The match started with Tony and P-Nutz. They exchanged wrestling skill at first but then move to powerhouse with Baki and Golem. Tony tried to fight back many times with his signature kicks! punches! and also chokeslam! The fans seems to like him...

Tony Trivaldo had 8 years experiences in this business and is 190cm tall. So, his offense are very stiff and strong. BadCompany knows this well. So, they focus mainly on baki instead and its work! Although, Tony had a chance to shine but if his partner can not help, it is nothing.

Finally, it is Golem Thai who used a big spear on EK Baki and got the win. Please note that Bad Company is currently undefeated !!!! who will be next?

Another great night in our life. The first event after Thai New Year was so meaningful and it is our fresh start again from this year. We will improve and thanks for all the support!