今回は逆転検事のラスボス、カーネイジ・オンレッドことQuercus Albaについての感想です。
ちなみにQuercus Albaの発音はクエルクス・アルバらしい。

そういや、海外版では「アレバストのアルバ」なので、覚えやすくていいなと思います。5話はアレバストとかババルとか、どっちがどっちやねん! ってなりがちですからね。そういえば、アレバスト・ババル・コードピアって、イニシャルがA・B・Cとなってるけれど、もしかすると開発中はA国・B国・C国なんて呼ばれていて、そこから正式な名前が決まった‥‥なんて?

■Quercus Alba: Old or OLD!? *SPOILERS* : Prosecutor's Lobby

His true form, and his theme, are very creepy and actually reaching on scary imo.

I loved how had his own "OBJECTION!" and not only that but it sounded European! Obshekshyon!
彼の「OBJECTION!」が好きだ、いや、オブジェクションじゃなくて、ヨーロッパ的な発音で! オブシェクシオーン!

Alba was one of my favorite villains of the series. His appearance, speech, theme music, it all just radiated authority, power, and menace. He effortlessly manipulated everyone around him while under the guise of a harmless old man, and even when he was finally confronted, he still managed to turn things his way and keep slipping out of trouble even after his diplomatic immunity was revoked. He was arrogant and cold-hearted, holding not the slightest regard for anything or anyone but himself, and you could just feel the hatred Edgeworth and everyone else held for him. The way he managed to keep slipping out of trouble made it all the sweeter when he was at long last backed into an inescapable corner.
The part when Lang called him a bastard, and how he reacted, was one of the most epic things I've ever seen, period.
And honestly, his objection sounded more evil than von Karma's, if you ask me. I jumped from my seat when I first heard it.


Seriously, I loved how Alba just kept his calmness and arrogance even though the entire cast was going for him. And I loved Lang's RAGE and how he would just smile and show off his medals. XD
Best. Old guy villain. Ever. Maybe...nah...but almost as good as Von Karma. C:


I consider Alba to be one of the best conceived new character for AAI, and also one of the top villains of Ace Attorney series, though certainly behind Manfred von Karma and Damon Gant.
One of the most impressive moment is when Alba's facade was exploded, he entered into 'super-saiyan' mode and showed his true nature. The accompanying leitmotif,which is grandiose and aptly named ''Quercus Alba ~ The Enemy Who Surpasses the Law", befits a formidable villain who persisted doggedly to the end. It really takes a combined effort by Edgeworth,Franny,Lang,Gumshoe,Kay, with assistance from Oldbag,Larry and Colias, to take him down.
Not to forget one of his gestures which remotely resembles fascist salute,considering the deeds he had done.

最も衝撃的な瞬間は、カーネイジが「スーパーサイヤ人」化して本性を表した、その爆発の時だったでしょう。「カーネイジ・オンレッド ~法を超える敵」と名付けられた壮大なテーマ曲は、最後までかたくなに執着した恐るべき悪人に適しています。彼を倒すため、御剣、冥、狼、イトノコ、美雲、そしてオバチャンと矢張とダミアンの助けがなければなりませんでした。

Did anyone find Quercus Alba's second form to be resembling something like Usopp from One Piece with 50 years added onto him, or is that just me?
Also, the way the 'final boss' played out struck me as being kind of interesting. You first cut him in half when you remove his diplomatic immunity. From there, you repeatedly cut him down to size, until you can really see his true, petty, backstabbing nature.
Every final boss (Damon Gant, Shelley DeKiller, Dahlia Hawthorne, Kristoph Gavin) managed at most to get a double kill before they were brought down. DeKillers were unrelated to the case, and it took nearly seven YEARS between each for Hawthorne, and Gavin. Meanwhile, Old Man Usopp killed off two people in about three hours, nearly destroyed an entire country, and set directly in motion the deaths of four more people. Yeah, I think he got the new high score.


(訳注:数の問題じゃないと思うけれど; まあこういう見方も興味深いんではないかと。上のレスで、ラスボスに豪が入っていないのは、海外では「蘇る逆転」が最初に発売されたので、1作目のラスボス=巌徒という認識が海外ファンの一部にはあるのかも)

I've finished AAI about one hour ago and I must admit I feel shaken. I'd never thought that a new villain could turn out being at the same level as Damon Gant. If not higher.
It felt like going back to 1-5, if you think about it, these two villains share much. A two-faced nature, a respectable (even if different) position, a strong will which leads them into abusing their rights, and while we're at it, they even both have grayish-white hair and beard. The main difference, I suppose, is the proportion of their crimes, which makes Alba a far more dangerous individual.


There's one Alba moment I really liked that demonstrated his true essence:
At first he was lavishing praise upon the Steel Samurai, but once Edgeworth called him out for not being a true fan, Alba changed his tune and dismissed Steel Samurai as a mere kids show. Talk about being absolutely craven.... I love that in villains.


Alba > Gant > Kristoph > Dahlia > Engarde > Manfred
When this guy's true character started to develop, when he broke his stick, when I heard him object, when I made it through testimony after testimony ready for the end (how many is it? 7?)...
The new best villain of the series. He just stays up, leaves no evidence, and abuses his usually beneficial position to the max. Epic poses, epicly evil peraonality, and of course epic objection.

本性を出し、杖をへし折り、反論され、そしてようやく最後の証言にたどり着きました(どのくらいかかったんだろう? 7回?)

From the second I saw him, I knew he was the ringleader. But I didn't expect him to have another form where he looked so much like Gant, and I certainly didn't expect him to be SO. DAMN. PERSISTENT. He's definitely the best "final boss" in the series - they went out of their way to achieve that - though I think Gant has a bit more depth and charisma as a character.

Alba was a really amazing villain; no character in the series had as much power and authority as him. It showed in his appearance, theme song, way of speaking.. You could see it was a man who had no qualms about destroying an entire country economically and killing so many people. Gant and Manfred, though really awesome as well, can't hold a candle to him when it comes to being evil.
It's a pity the case had so many pacing problems, because it had potential to hold one of the most epic battles in the whole series.


I give Alba props for refusing to give up for such a long time, but at the same time I think it dragged the case out a little too much. His character makes up for it a bit, though; I liked that he had some things in common with Gant while still being his own character. His backstory could potentially be pretty interesting, considering that he was a Cohdopian war hero prior to forming the smuggling ring. Maybe he allowed the fame and power to go to his head too much and that ended up corrupting him? Who knows.
That, and his "Objection!" was awesome. XD
(His name brings back bad memories of the terrible ecology class I took last year, though...)


(訳注:最後のおまけは、Quercus Albaがアルバオークの学名であるからですね。きっと授業で学名を暗記でもさせられたんでしょう。w)