葛氷見子ことCalisto Yewに関する海外ファンの感想です。あくまで4話に登場した葛についての話で、正体がどっかの誰かさんだったという話にはあまり触れられていません(シーナのスレッドはまた別にあるのです)。


■The Himiko Kazura/Calisto Yew Fanclub! (possible spoilers) : Prosecutor's Lobby

I'm bumping this because Calisto deserves to be loved. She's just awesome with constantly laughing at Edgeworth's "game face" and her weight scale earrings are a fun touch.

I like her theme song and her personality....phhww!! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! I crack up every time she bursts out laughing...phwww!!
We need a smiley of her laughing...phww!! AHAHAHAHAHA!!



The first time I heard it it made me wtf because I wasn't entirely paying attention to the sounds at the time, but after awhile it definitely grew on me. Sure, it's not the prettiest sounding objection, but it really suits Yew very well. There's not really any sense of urgency in it and that really shows just how calm and calculated that she is.

Yay, Calisto has fans now. I finally finished the English version of Case 4 so I was pleased to see that her personality wasn't changed a lot in the localization. It was very, very similar, unlike other characters in the GS series who were localised...
葛ファンがいるじゃん! 私は4話を終えましたが、他の逆転裁判シリーズと異なり、北米版で彼女の個性がほぼ変わらなかったのが嬉しかったです。
(訳注:私はそんなに英語をちゃんと読めるわけじゃないのでなんとも言えませんが、英語・日本語両方わかっていると、日本版と北米版ではキャラ違うじゃん! って思う人もいるのかな。もっとも、日本語は一人称がびっくりするほどたくさんあって、逆転シリーズにおいてキャラの個性を出すのに一役かっているのですが、英語じゃ「I」だけですから。これだけでも、日本版のキャラのイメージをそのまんま英語にするのがどれだけ難しいか、よくわかりますよね)

Count me in. She's so fascinating! Definitely my new favorite character in the game.
I'm gonna have to go against the current liking-her-objection trend, though. First time I heard it, I thought it was a man speaking. XP It's so... grating... If it were just a little higher, maybe...

彼女は素晴らしい! 間違いなく、このゲームの中での新しいお気に入りキャラです。

I didn't think I'd be that keen on Calisto but I grew really fond of her. I loved her taking the piss out of pretty much everything Edgey said XD

Calisto was easily my favorite character in Investigations. I loved how one second she would be serious, the next she's cracking up... also, she's pretty much the only character that has the guts to laugh in Edgey's face.
I really didn't see the reveal of Shih-na's identity coming. When I first saw her laugh, I was like, "HOLY SHIT, NO WAY!" I love how, even after she's been found out and cornered, she's still as calm as ever, smiling easily.
It's kinda creepy when you consider that she was cackling like a madman just before that, though. :|


Why do most people not like her English "Objection!". I thought it was really fitting of her character.

Yeah, I also fail to see what's so bad and manly-sounding about Yew's Objection. Anyway, it's a shame that we'll never have a chance to face off against her in an actual trial.

I hope if there is a second game, she will be in it.. as someone said before, her past is a total mystery, but even her NAME is a total mystery LOL. It'd be nice to get some background information about her. And I wouldn't say her Objection! sounded like a man really, but I just don't think it's fitting of her character.

Random crack idea: Calisto somehow escaped from jail and wanted a quick way to get rich, so she changed her appearance again and became Alita Tiala and tried to marry into the Kitaki family in GS4. Well you can't say it's not possible. :D

Hands down, Calisto is awesome. She's one of my most favourite female characters in the whole AA series. I loved her design, theme song, the air of mystery around her and all the little jabs she made at Edgeworth.
I don't really understand all the complaining on her English 'Objection'. Sure, it could be better, but even now it fits her character well. I can imagine her with a slightly deeper voice than Mia's or Franziska's; and in my opinion, it's not manly at all. Not every woman has a high, girly voice, after all.



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