■AAI Music Discussion : Prosecutor's Lobby


My favorites so far

Kay Faraday: The Great Truth Burglar
Blue Badger March
Detective Gumshoe: I Can Do It When It Counts, Pal!
Objection! 2009
Announce the Truth 2009
Pursuit- Lying Coldly/ Pursuit- Lying Coldly (variation)
Confrontation- Moderato
Confrontation- Presto
Interesting People
Shi-Long Lang: Speak Up, Pup!
Little Thief: Recreating the Crime Scene
Tyrell Badd's theme (I'm not sure what it's called)
Court- Guardians of the Law
Calisto Yew: Let Me Laugh at the Cool
Great Revival 2009
Crises of Fate
Reminiscence- KG-8 case (my favorite reminiscence theme!)
Investigation: Middlegame 2009
Tricks and Baroque

I know it's a lot...
My favorites are:
3. Crises of Fate
2. Confrontation- Presto
1. Pursuit- Lying Coldly (variation)


一条美雲 ~真実を盗む大ドロボウ
タイホくん行進曲 ~バンドーランドのテーマ
糸鋸圭介 ~やるときはやるッス
御剣怜侍 ~異議あり! 2009
真実は告げる 2009
追究 ~つきつめたくて
対決 ~モデラート 2009
対決 ~プレスト 2009
狼士龍 ~狼子、曰く!
情報再現 ~ギゾクの奥の手
馬堂一徹 ~真実はアマくない
法廷 ~法の番人
葛氷見子 ~クールに笑わせて
逆転検事 ~大いなる復活 2009
追憶 ~KG-8号事件
捜査 ~中盤 2009

3. 運命のクライシス
2. 対決 ~プレスト 2009
1. 追究 ~つきつめたくて

I loved pretty much all of the game's music, but I'll list my favorites, in no particular order:
Confess the Truth 2009 - Easily the best one of the series. It was so fitting in the moments it was used, especially the reveal of the Yatagarasu's true identity, which I totally did not see coming.
Tyrell Badd ~ The Truth Isn't Sweet - One word: badass. That is all.
Quercus Alba ~ The Enemy Who Surpasses the Law
This theme just oozes menace and authority from every single note. It really fits the arrogant, immensely powerful bastard that Alba is.
Calisto Yew ~ Let Me Laugh At The Cool
Dick Gumshoe ~ I can do it when it counts, pal! - I just wished it had been used for Gumshoe's regular theme, instead of only at certain moments.
Crises of Fate
It just added to the HOLY SHIT! feel when Calisto pulled her gun on Edgey.
Noisy People - It's quite good on its own, but not the best. What makes it great is how incredibly well it fits Oldbag.

「馬堂一徹 ~真実はアマくない」‥‥一言、「いかしてる」。これが全て。
「カーネイジ・オンレッド ~法を超える敵」‥‥脅威と権威がにじみ出ている曲。カーネイジは横柄で、強いキャラで、この曲にぴったりです。
「葛氷見子 ~クールに笑わせて」
「糸鋸圭介 ~やるときはやるッス」

I'd say my favorite is definitely "Calisto Yew - Ace Attorney". It's just so... amazing. It fits so well with her light-heartedness.

Other favorites:

Announce the Truth 2009
Confrontation ~ Presto
Pursuit ~ Lying Coldly
Thief of Truth (Kay Faraday's theme)
Objection! 2009

一番好きなのは「葛氷見子 ~クールに笑わせて」、素晴らしい。彼女に良く合ってる。

真実は告げる 2009
対決 ~プレスト 2009
追究 ~つきつめたくて
一条美雲 ~真実を盗む大ドロボウ
御剣怜侍 ~異議あり! 2009

Announce The Truth 2009 is the most fitting Announce The Truth theme they ever did.
Confrontation ~ Presto 2009 is extremely catchy.
Pursuit ~ Lying Coldly is an excellent theme.
Zinc Lablanc II ~ Time is Money is one of the best character themes out there.
And I could go on, but not right now.

「真実は告げる 2009」は「真実は告げる」系で最もぴったりしている。
「対決 ~プレスト 2009」はとても印象的。
「追究 ~つきつめたくて」は素晴らしいテーマ。
「ジンク・ホワイト ~タイムイズマネー」は最も素晴らしいキャラクターのテーマ曲のひとつです。

It just has too many good songs. :D
My personal favorites:
All investigation tracks
Logic - The way to the truth
Miles Edgeworth - Objection 2009
All confrontation tracks
Pursuit - Lying coldly
Kay Faraday - The Thief Who Steals Truth
Yatagarasu - The Gentleman Thief Who Dances in the Black Night
Reproducing the Scene ~ The Gentleman Thief's Secret Weapon
Court - Guardians of the Law
Calisto Yew - Let Me Laugh at the Cool
Dick Gumshoe - I can do it when it counts, pal!
Confess the Truth 2009

ロジック ~真実への道すじ
御剣怜侍 ~異議あり! 2009
追究 ~つきつめたくて
一条美雲 ~真実を盗む大ドロボウ
ヤタガラス ~闇夜に舞うギゾク
情報再現 ~ギゾクの奥の手
法廷 ~法の番人
葛氷見子 ~クールに笑わせて
糸鋸圭介 ~やるときはやるッス
真実は告げる 2009

1) Announce the Truth 2009
2) Eccentric 2009
3) Kay Faraday's theme
4) Lying Coldly
5) Tyrell Badd's theme.

I don't exactly care too much for the rebuttal themes, not even the Presto version. The Objection theme was also ruined for me ever since someone on Youtube mentioned the background trumpets sounding like farts...

1) 真実は告げる 2009
2) (「さわがしい人々」か、「ゆかいな人々」のことか?)
3) 一条美雲 ~真実を盗む大ドロボウ
4) 追究 ~つきつめたくて
5) 馬堂一徹 ~真実はアマくない


My top 3:
1. The Yatagarasu's theme
2. Yew's theme
3. Announce the Truth 2009

1. ヤタガラス ~闇夜に舞うギゾク
2. 葛氷見子 ~クールに笑わせて
3. 真実は告げる 2009

My top 7 (8???)

1.) Confess the Truth 2009
2.) Shiryu Ro ~ Speak Up, Pup!
3.) Investigation ~ Core 2009
4.) Mikumo Ichijo ~ The Great Truth Burglar
5.) Pursuit ~ Lying Coldly
6.) Ittetsu Bado ~ The Truth Isn't Sweet
7.) Yatagarasu ~ The Gentleman Thief Who Dances in the Black Night

Himiko Kazura ~ Let Me Laugh at the Cool 's been stuck in my head, too... Dunno if that's a good thing or not... o___0;;;

1.) 真実は告げる 2009
2.) 狼士龍 ~狼子、曰く!
3.) 捜査 ~核心 2009
4.) 一条美雲 ~真実を盗む大ドロボウ
5.) 追究 ~つきつめたくて
6.) 馬堂一徹 ~真実はアマくない
7.) ヤタガラス ~闇夜に舞うギゾク

「葛氷見子 ~クールに笑わせて」が頭から離れない‥‥いいのか悪いのか‥‥o___0;;

I think the music was really good overall. My favorites were:
Badd's theme.
Calisto's theme
Lang's theme
The final cross-examination theme.
The Pursuit music.

Guess I'm the only one who can't stand Oldbag's theme. I admit it's fit's Oldbag well, but it's too annoying for me. Sorry, but in my opinion it's the worst song in AA history with the exception of Moe's theme.

Also, why does Great Revival play when Manfred appear's? While I don't have a problem with the song itself, it's just seems like a really odd choice for Manfred's theme.

The rest of the music was good. Really good overall. My overall AA music list is:
1. AJ. Yes, Apollo Justice is my favorite. (Get's shot)
2. T&T
3. Tie between PW:AA and AAI: ME I couldn't decide between the two.
4. JFA


馬堂一徹 ~真実はアマくない
葛氷見子 ~クールに笑わせて
狼士龍 ~狼子、曰く!
対決 ~プレスト 2009

また、どうして「大いなる復活」が狩魔豪の登場の時に流れるんでしょう? 曲自体に文句があるワケではありませんが、彼のテーマ曲としてはちょっとおかしい選択だと思います。

1. 逆転裁判4。一番好き。
2. 逆転裁判3
3. 逆転裁判と逆転検事が同位。
4. 逆転裁判2

1) "Turnabout Ablaze" can be described as eargasmic. It's SOOO good, better than most of the soundtrack I.M.O.
2) "Court ~ Guardians of the Law" is another great one, I love the almost... ah... I can't think of the word, but it has a great essence to it.
3) "Calisto Yew ~ Let Me Laugh at the Cool" is so upbeat and matches her personality, plus the jazzy composition it has is a surprising turn for the better.
4) "Tricks and Baroque" just has that aura of discovery to it and the entire arrangement is very pleasant.
5) "Shi-Long Lang ~ Speak Up, Pup!" is actually got a really catchy beat to it, that just makes the song almost infectious.

1) 「『燃え上がる逆転』」ドラマティックで衝撃的な曲。サウンドトラックの中で一番素晴らしい。
2) 「法廷 ~法の番人」もうひとつの素晴らしい曲、大好きで‥‥言葉が見つからない。
3) 「葛氷見子 ~クールに笑わせて」アップビートで、彼女の個性にマッチしている上に、ジャズの構成がより良くしています。
4) 「トリックとバロック」探索の雰囲気に満ちていて、全体の配置が良い。
5) 「狼士龍 ~狼子、曰く!」惹きつけられるビートを持っていて、伝染しやすい曲。