On the Wright Track: The Writers of Phoenix Wright's Sequel Discuss Their New Case

こちらは翻訳スタッフのBrandon Gay氏、JP Kellams氏(=Jean Pierre Kellams氏)、Janet Hsu氏へのインタビューです。


Nintendo Power:
How would you compare the localization of Phoenix Wright to other games you’ve worked on?

Nintendo Power:
Phoenix Wrightの翻訳は、あなたが担当した他のゲームの翻訳と比較してどうですか?

Brandon Gay:
As far as text alone, Phoenix Wright is one of our largest games to localize. Since it is a text-based game, there is a high emphasis on flow and consistency among the characters. This is in contrast to other games such as Devil May Cry or Resident Evil where the story almost takes a backseat to the action of the game. It isn’t that the story is unimportant in those games, but a player may be more apt to look past the story in those games since the main focus in those games is the action. With Phoenix Wright you are trying to convey an entire world and in-depth characters through text alone. This makes it a challenge to present characters that are applicable to the US market. These characters all started off as much more Japanese-style characters, with jokes and dialogue designed with the Japanese player in mind. So part of the challenge was to make the characters and the world itself relevant to an American audience. Also, in working on Justice for All, we had to make sure the characters that reappear from the first Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney game stayed consistent with how they behaved in that game. The fans of Phoenix Wright have grown quite affectionate to the characters that populate this world, so we wanted to stay true to the characters they have come to either love or hate.

Brandon Gay:
テキスト量から、Phoenix Wrightは翻訳には大きなゲームのうちのひとつです。テキストベースのゲームなので、キャラクターたちの間に一貫した流れがあります。このことは、物語がゲームの流れから引いた位置にある、Devil May CryやResident Evil(バイオハザード)とは対照的です、ですが、Devil May CryやResident Evilが物語が重要ではないという意味ではありません。しかし、これらのゲームはアクションに重きを置いているので、プレイヤーはより、物語を低めに見る傾向があるかもしれません。Phoenix Wrightはテキストのみで、キャラクターの内面や世界観を伝えることになります。これはアメリカの市場で通じるようなテキストを発売する挑戦となります。原作は日本語と日本的な文章、日本語のジョークや文字表示の方法(ダイアログ)で設計されています。そこで、アメリカ人向けに、アメリカ的なテイストにキャラクターや世界観をもっていくことを試みました。また、Justice for All(海外版2)では、初めてPhoenix Wrightに触れるプレイヤーに、再登場人物をわかるようにしなければなりませんでした。Phoenix Wrightのファンはキャラクターに思い入れがありますので、私たちは味方から嫌な敵キャラまで、忠実に訳したかったのです。

JP Kellams:
There is a fair amount of pressure because of how well the localization for Phoenix Wright was received, but there is also quite a bit of freedom creatively. All titles require you to match the localization to the tone of the game and Japanese text. In a serious game, an off-the-wall joke would be distracting. However, with Justice for All, the subject and style of the game give you the creative ability to add humor and little touches that just wouldn’t fit into other games.

JP Kellams:
Phoenix Wrightの翻訳をいかに良くできたかというプレッシャーがありますが、オリジナルの部分もわずかに作る事ができます。このシリーズの翻訳は、日本語版テキストのタイミングと合わせなくてはなりません。
(※訳注 英語版は、日本語版が1画面22文字で構成されていることに合わせて、1画面ごとの翻訳がなされている。SVCまたはSVO、SVOOの構文を日本語文法に合わせることは大変な作業だと、プレイして感じた)
シリアスなゲームにおいて、突飛な冗談は気が散ります。しかし、Justice for Allでは、他のゲームの翻訳とは異なる、創造的な能力、ユーモアが必要です。

Janet Hsu:
Personally, compared with other titles I have worked on, I feel that Phoenix Wright demands a lot of yourself and your ability to understand the characters on a deeper level. Because some of the characters have a lot of depth to them, you almost have to become them in a sense to get the nuance and motivations in their lines right.

Janet Hsu:
個人的に感じたことは、私が今まで翻訳してきたゲームと比べて、Phoenix Wrightではより深くキャラクターを理解する能力が要求されるということです。幾つかのキャラクターは、非常に奥深い性格なので、そのニュアンスと、行動する上での動機付けを正しくするために、ある意味では、そのキャラクター自身にならなくてはなりません。

What was your philosophy for determining North American character names?

A lot of the character names were determined with the Japanese names in mind. Some of the Japanese names were already quite clever, so we wanted to keep the same feel they had. Obviously, with some names, they had to be changed quite drastically from their Japanese counterparts. But we wanted to keep the humor aspect of the Japanese names when we came up with the English names. Since there is so much underlying humor in Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney, we wanted the names to have the same type of double meanings that the Japanese names had.

ほとんどのキャラクターは日本名から決定しました。日本のキャラ名は非常に面白かったので、私たちもその雰囲気を継承したかったのです。幾つかは日本名とは全く異なるものに変えざるを得なかったのですが、日本語でのユーモアな雰囲気は保ちたかったのです。Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorneyの元になるユーモアから、日本語版のようなダブルミーニングになる名前を付けたいと思いました。

There is this mystique that names get handed down from upon high and are forced upon us. Not so. For my part, I try to make names that lean on popular culture so they have a tinge of familiarity. For instance, the logic behind the name of Lawrence “Moe” Curls should be instantly indefinable by older players, but should still give younger players that instant identification that he is a slapstick-loving clown. This popular-culture identification is something that Shu Takumi [the game’s director and creator] does very well with the Japanese naming and I try to follow that spirit when it comes to naming.

仰々しい名前でミステリアスな雰囲気は必要ない。私の担当部分では、親しみをもてるように、大衆文化からとっていこうと思いました。例えば、Lawrence “Moe” Curls(トミーの本名)の名前のネタは、喜劇役者のピエロであるということを、すぐに識別できるようにしてあります。この方法は日本語版ディレクターの巧氏がとる方法で、私はこの精神にのっとって名前をつけるようにしました。

(※訳注 トミーの英語名はThe Three Stoogesという、1930年代から、第2次世界大戦の戦前戦後を通じて活躍したコメディ・チームのメンバーの名前「Larry, Moe, Curly」を使用している模様)

I was not as pop-culture-oriented as JP since in his episode, Takumi-san had used more pop culture references in the original Japanese, but for cases 1 and 2, I kept the play-on-words naming the first Phoenix Wright is so famous for. However, due to the more dramatic feel of the last case, I kept more to the naming sense Takumi-san used there and created names that sounded more like real names, but had deeper meanings (sometimes more than one) to them. Incidentally, Takumi-san personally approved all the English names in this game. I can now fondly look back and remember we had an interesting time bouncing names back and forth for a few days for one of the characters which he thought didn’t convey the same feeling as the Japanese [name].


If you worked on the first Phoenix Wright, what was the process like determining Phoenix’s name? What other names were considered but rejected? Also, please elaborate on Oldbag’s name.

1作目に取り組むとき、Phoenixの名前はどのように決定しましたか? 他に候補はありましたか? また、Oldbag(オバチャン)のネーミングについて教えてください。

Ahh, making me go back into the memory banks for this one [laughs]. We actually came up with a rather large list of names for the Phoenix Wright character. We consulted with our American branch on what would be the best name for the title character. It was agreed that Phoenix Wright would be the best and most appropriate name for the title character.
As for Wendy Oldbag, I believe that name originated from the mind of Alex Smith, who translated the first title, but the story behind it is a mystery.


(笑い)思い出してみますと、実は、私たちはPhoenix Wrightの性格から考えた大きな名前候補リストを作成したのです。そして、主役の名前としてベストなものをカプコンUSAと相談しました。その中でPhoenix Wrightが最も良いということで同意し、決定しました。
Wendy Oldbag
(大場カオル)については、翻訳担当のAlex Smith氏が決定したと思います。そのバックグラウンドはわかりませんが。

(※訳注 Alex Smith氏は、ファイナルファンタジー10やグイン・サーガの翻訳を担当している人物。)

Eric Bailey:
We wanted to make sure that [Phoenix’s] first name was something that would really stand out with players, and so we went back and forth with the translator and the R&D team to determine the name that would work. During the brainstorming, when everyone was throwing out whatever names came to mind, there was a wide range of them-everything from Cole to Wilton-but in the end Phoenix had a good ring to it and symbolized rising from the ashes, perfect for the game’s theme, which is turnabouts. We also needed a shortened form of Phoenix for some of the characters to use in the dialog and the final nickname arrived at was “Nick” since it sounded natural but was still reasonable given the sound of “Phoenix.” Of course, we always made sure to explain any of the naming choices to the game’s creator to make sure it was something he would like and he ended up liking Phoenix Wright as well.
Unfortunately no one here seems to recall the exact story behind how Wendy Oldbag’s name came about, so it will go down as a mystery. In the end, it was a perfect choice for the character and works well with the dialog around her, so we are glad it became her final name. It’s hard to imagine her any other way now.

Eric Bailey:
主人公の名前は目立つものがいいと私たちは考えていました。そして、翻訳チームと開発チームの間を行ったり来たりして、思いついた名前案がボツになり続けていたのですが、rising from the ashes(※訳注 英語版5話「蘇る逆転」のサブタイトル、灰から復活するの意)から、Phoenix(灰から復活する不死鳥)がゲームのテーマと一致しました。また、Phoenixの(短縮された)ニックネームが必要だったので(※訳注 日本語版でいえば「なるほどくん」にあたる愛称)最終的にそれはNickになりました。
残念なことに、ここの誰もWendy Oldbagの由来がわからないようです。最終的にはキャラクターの性格から由来されたものであり、今では他のネーミングは思いつきません。

What were some of the most radical changes made to any of the game’s characters or plot points?


I am not sure any character underwent “radical” changes, as that would have greatly affected the overall arc of the game. Say changing a character from “evil” to “good,” as this would have greatly altered the story from the original concepts. The point that should be made is that while many aspects of the game had to be altered to suit the US player, we would be doing a great disservice to completely alter/change characters and/or plot points. It also would mean rewriting large parts of the game if we were to change key plot points. We tried to walk the fine line of keeping the original vision while making an enjoyable game for English-speakers.


There were concerns we would have to change some of the more mature sections of the Japanese version, but luckily, everything was able to get through unscathed even though I had to tone down some things because concepts of age and maturity are a bit different in the west. I think the biggest changes come to the jokes. Some of them are just incomprehensible to westerners, and while there is a vocal set that wants everything exactly the same, I feel the jokes have to be made culturally relevant to gamers.



Plot-wise, we didn’t have to change anything, but character-wise, we had a few things we had to change. For example, there is one character who is a bit on the perverse side of things, and while it’s alright to make jokes about being perverse in Japanese culture, that sort of thing is not so welcomed in our own, so he had to be toned down.

What were some jokes that had to be completely reworked from the Japanese version?


A lot of the jokes that involve Phoenix’s last name “Wright” were new jokes for the US version of the game. Since his name is not Phoenix Wright in the Japanese version, all of these jokes were new.
Generally speaking, most of the jokes that appear in the English version are quite different than the Japanese version due to the differences in humor. Sarcasm, for instance, is not something that most Japanese people will find humorous. It was important to keep the overall humor of the game, but to convey it in a way that an English-speaking audience could understand and find funny.

My favorite example is when Moe goes crazy in case 3. Whenever caught in a lie, he would launch into a stream of funny, but untranslatable gibberish. In the English version, Moe’s gibberish has become an upscale kind of jibber jabber.


The humor of this game relies heavily on its jokes . . . we had to change quite a number of them. A lot of Japanese humor is derived from cultural references, but more than cultural references, this series is about wordplay. Takumi-san is a huge fan of playing with words to extract humor, and needless to say, Japanese word-based jokes are not translatable. So we created a lot of jokes from scratch. One of my personal favorites that we came up with has to do with Pearl and her comments about the TV remote in episode 4.



In the first Phoenix, the setting seemed to intentionally not be specified, but in Justice for All, there’s a distinctly Japanese village, and at the same time, “the Heartland” is mentioned as “part of this country.” There’s also the matter of which side of the car the steering wheel is on. How did you deal with these cultural and geographic issues?


The US version of Phoenix Wright: Justice for All is set in the US. We think that while some aspects of the game may have a Japanese flair, it doesn’t necessarily mean that it is set in Japan. There are many areas within the United States where Japanese culture and traditions are observed. Maya’s home village is one of these areas.


You change them to something culturally relevant to your target audience. Steering wheels, signboards, etc. all have to make sense to everyone picking up and playing the game. While it has an anime feel, Phoenix Wright shouldn’t require a Japanese degree to play the English version.


Actually, we set the English version of the game to take place in Los Angeles, hence the time-difference puzzle in the first game. However, had we stated that in the game, it probably would have ruined that puzzle. The cultural and geographical issues were not as big of a problem as some people might imagine. I personally feel that since the world of Phoenix Wright is clearly not our own, some differences can be allowed. Things like the steering wheel can certainly be the same, but a Japanese-style village could theoretically exist if, say, the Fey family immigrated and then established their own village in a mountainous area of California. At least, that’s how I rationalized it.

実際、1作目1話では時差のエピソードを差し替えていますが、それによって舞台がロサンゼルスになりました。しかし、文化的・地理的な問題は、さほど大きくはありませんでした。Phoenix Wright世界では、それらのズレが許容されているのではないかと、個人的に思います。ハンドルのネタでも同じことがありますし、Fey(綾里)一族が移住してカリフォルニアの山岳地帯に村を作ったというような感じで合理的に説明ができるでしょう。

What characters did you especially enjoy writing for? Were there any characters that were particularly challenging?

どのキャラクターのテキストを書くときに楽しかったですか? 特に思い出深いキャラはいますか?

Some characters with extreme personality quirks are always both fun and stressful to write for. Moe the clown, for example, presented a challenge of writing for a clown who is no longer considered funny by anyone but himself. It was also important to show that this character had a big heart. So it was a challenge to find the proper balance between silly jokes and serious dialogue so that the player would not become annoyed by his “craziness.” We think the payoff, though, is well worth it when it is done right. We feel we were able to create a character that the player will both like and dislike at the same time. We believe this helps to create a more realistic and believable character.


Moe is my boy. I love him like a clown loves a Volkswagen. As far as challenging characters, Acro sparked some heated arguments on how to get his tone and personality right.


Wow, that’s tough. I enjoyed writing all of them, to be honest. Each character had their own unique trait that I loved and even characters like Lotta Hart or Wendy Oldbag, who some people found annoying, had their own charm. But if I had to pick three, I’d say Franziska von Karma, Shelly de Killer, and Adrian Andrews. As for challenging, I’d say Morgan Fey is the winner. Her speech pattern in Japanese is a very old style and translating that into English was a tough one.

。各々のキャラは彼ら独特のユニークな特徴を持ち、一部の人には腹立たしいと思われているらしい、Lotta Hart(大沢木ナツミ)やWendy Oldbag(オバチャン)ですら魅力的でした。ベスト3はFranziska von Karma(狩魔冥)とShelly de Killer(コロシヤ)、Adrian Andrews(華宮霧緒)です。難しかったのはMorgan Fey(綾里キミ子)で、彼女の日本語が古いスタイルだったので苦労しました。

Were there any big graphical changes that had to be made during the localization process?


As with most games that originate in Japan, there are graphics that have Japanese Kanji or other Japanese characters on them that have to be changed for an American version. Since Phoenix Wright doesn’t rely as heavily on changing graphics, the changes are not as difficult to make.


There were a few changes that were made, and most had to do with changing signs in the background and clues into their English counterparts. However, one of the more interesting changes had to do with how to change a distinctively Japanese seal into something more Western. We decided in the end that if we were to go with a signature, it would give the identity of the person away, so we dropped that part of the picture entirely.

幾つか変更点がありました。物語のヒントになる部分はグラフィック担当者にそれを伝えました。しかしながら、よりおもしろい変化のひとつはどのようにはっきりと日本語をより西洋の何かに変える方法を処理しなければなりませんでした。 結局は認識のためにグラフィックを変えるのをやめました。

Did you have any localization troubles stemming from the differences between real law and the way law is portrayed in the game?

The world of Phoenix Wright is based more upon the Japanese structure of law than US law. While references and dialogue were able to be translated into English, the law of the game still stayed fundamentally intact from the original Japanese version. This is one area that we really couldn’t change without altering the entire game structure. We could make references and characters relevant for US audiences, but to change the law structure of the game would have sacrificed what made the game so popular in the first place. So for American audiences, I am sure at times the laws of the Phoenix Wright world will be quite wacky.

Phoenix Wrightの世界は、アメリカの法律よりも日本の法律に基づいています。基本的に翻訳では日本版とはゲームのルールを変えることはしませんでした。アメリカの法律に基づくように変更もできましたが、ゲーム内での法律の構造を変えれば元のゲームが崩れてしまいます。ですので、アメリカ人には、Phoenix Wrightの世界の法律は独自と言っています。

Nope. I don’t recommend playing Phoenix Wright to study for the bar examination.

司法試験のためにPhoenix Wrightをプレイすることはお勧めできません。

Actually, there is one that caused us to rethink how to phrase a few sentences in the game, but if I told you now, it would be a spoiler. Suffice to say, the way the law is portrayed in the game is more Japanese than not, but enough of it is different from real Japanese law that we could take similar liberties within the confines of the American legal system.


What are your thoughts on Phoenix being successful enough to get a sequel in North America?


It is actually quite surprising that Phoenix Wright was successful in the US. Text-based adventure games have been declining in popularity over the past 10 years or so. But it goes to show that people still love a good story combined with a good mystery. We also think that people can really relate to the characters. In too many games there are very flat, one-dimensional characters. In the world of Phoenix Wright, while the characters may appear wacky, the player can get a real sense of the makeup of each character. We believe the characters in Phoenix Wright are not so black-and-white, that they feel more like real people. We believe this aspect is important in telling a good story and people have picked up on that.

Phoenix Wrightがアメリカで成功したことは、実際驚くべき出来事です。テキストアドベンチャーの人気はここ10年ほど落ち込んでいました。しかし、Phoenix Wrightの成功は、良いミステリーとそれに基づくストーリーが好まれていることを示しています。これはキャラクター人気にも関連していると思います。多くのゲームでは平べったいキャラクターばかりですが、Phoenix Wrightではキャラクターがリアルであると言えます。彼らがリアルな人物だと感じるために、白か黒かといった二次元論ではない部分があります。私たちはこれが良質のストーリーを生み出すのに重要であること、また、ゲーマーがそれに気づいたのだろうと思います。

Originally it wasn’t thought that the game could work in the States. It is a testament to both Takumi-san’s story and all of those involved in the localization that such a unique game could find a home where just a few years ago no one thought it was possible.


All I can say is wow. I think Phoenix’s success has surprised everyone here, but thank you, everyone, for your support. I hope Justice for All lives up to its predecessor, and please look forward to more of the Ace Attorney series in the future!

とにかく大当たりだったと言えます。Phoenix Wrightの成功に驚いたみなさんに、支援の謝意を表します。Justice for Allの成功と、将来のAce Attorneyシリーズを楽しみにしていてください!