BRS -animation version- Repair Options | goodsmile company Mikatan's Blog English Version

goodsmile company Mikatan's Blog English Version


To start off with, let me give a big thanks to all of your loyal customers, you guys are great!

フィギュアメーカー・グッドスマイルカンパニー勤務 『ミカタンブログ -松戸駅からググって0分-』

I was going to write a Black Rock Shooter -animation version- review for today's blog but we just realized that the star mark on her jacket did not come out!

フィギュアメーカー・グッドスマイルカンパニー勤務 『ミカタンブログ -松戸駅からググって0分-』

I'd like to be the first to apologize for this! I know a lot of you were looking forward to this figure!

If you have already purchased the figure, please pick one of the following options we have established to fix the error:

This support is only for residents in Japan.

If you live in foreign countries please click here. ↓

- Sticker Method

   We shall send you a star sticker to replace the painting error.

- Mending Method

   You can send the figure to us, and we will correct the error.

Please apply here:

We will also provide you with a reference number that you can use to track the status of your application/repair online using the following page:

Sorry for the inconvenience caused!

The official page for this information is located here:

I've said it before and I'll say it again - sorry for any inconvenience caused!

フィギュアメーカー・グッドスマイルカンパニー勤務 『ミカタンブログ -松戸駅からググって0分-』

The Black Rock Shooter -animation version- review will be put on hold for a little bit now, but it'll be here soon!

It's a magnificent figure filled with an incredible dynamic feeling as it's name "-animation version-" suggests.

We really do try to avoid errors such as this one, and will continue to avoid them as much as possible in the future. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter!

**Please note that these can options are only available within Japan. The distributors in other countries will be establishing their own solutions, please get in contact with your local store.

(C)huke/B★RS Project