A Brownstone Apartment | 天狼星の雫が凍てつく森の雪に狼の蒼い骨が軋む


If you are lucky enough to have lived in Paris as a young man, then wherever you go for the rest of your life, it stays with you, For Paris is a Moveable Feast. Ernest Hemingway " A Moveable Feast "        
by Traveling-bear

The Bottle Of Bones
Note : #331
                    A Brownstone Apartment 

 I met Basquiat at MOMA, listened to the New York Philharmonic, and watched the Yankees and Knicks games. Also, find Capote at the Barnes & Noble bookstore and read in Central Park. And I write "Nine Lives" in a brownstone apartment on East 70th Street.

補足 : #331

 MOMAでバスキアに出会い、ニューヨークフィルを聴き、ヤンキースとニックスの試合を観戦する。さらにバーンズ & ノーブル書店でカポーティを探してセントラルパークで読書する。そして私は東70丁目の褐色砂岩のアパートメントで” Nine Lives”を書く。