童謡の伝道師 グレッグ・アーウィンのブログ -85ページ目


Stockholm is a city that I could really enjoy living in, in the summer at least! During the White Nights it stays light out until around 11:30 PM which is great for tourists and young people who want to play all night long. The down side is that it is only light for about 6 hours on the shortest days of the winter. The sun was shining when we were there and I found the people to be more than great! First of all, most Swedes speak English beautifully and they are extremely friendly. I discovered a fantastic Antique shop in the old town which is called Gamla Stan. The owner was so full of light and I loved everything that she had. Stockholm is on the water and it is very fashionable and filled with attractive shops and super cool restaurants and bars. Half of the population look like models. What's not to like?

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$グレッグ アーウィンのブログ



I was excited to go to Saint Petersburg, Russia as I had never been to Russia before and I had heard that the Hermatage Museum, the home to the largest collection of paintings in the world, was so amazing, that you just have to go there someday. Saint Petersburg, it turned out, brought up a mix of emotions. The Hermatage is overwhelming. The sheer size of the collection of valuable art works blows the mind. My favorite place was Peterhov, the Summer Palace for the Tsars. Ever since I was a child, I loved fountains and statues, so this place was like paradise for me. I think this interest is in my blood from past generations. The Russian Museum was empty when we visited so I enjoyed it more than Hermatage in a way, as it is Russian, whereas the Hermatage is mostly Western Art. I MC'd and sang with a Balalaika group from the Russian National Folk Orchestra. They told me that the new Russia is in many ways better and in many ways worse than before. The good thing is there is freedom to travel. The bad thing is everything now is too expensive for average Russians. Russian people don't smile a lot which is confusing to Westerners. It's just not their custom to smile at strangers and it doesn't mean they are unhappy. Visit Russia when you can and form your own opinion!

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$グレッグ アーウィンのブログ



Have you ever thought about visiting Riga, Latvia? I had not but I learned that it is an important place to go. Riga suffered a lot through it's history as the capitol of Latvia. It became independent from the Soviet Union in the early 1990's and has since become a success story. Riga is famous for it's amazing Art Deco buildings that are perfectly preserved today and it's old town. Our great discovery in Riga was V. Kuze, a chocolate company and cafe in the center of town. The cafe is filled with 1930's furniture in mint condition. I purchased chocolate radios and classic cars made of chocolate! Also we found an antique shop where I found a timeless Bronze ballerina. Lilacs are everywhere in Riga, and Maris Gulbis, the owner of V. Kuze, told me that they are the cherry blossoms of Latvia. The park in the center of town actually reminded me of Central Park. Seriously consider taking a trip to Latvia in the summer to experience the White Nights and wander around Riga looking at the beautiful buildings and very attractive people! Come to Riga and learn.

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$グレッグ アーウィンのブログ

$グレッグ アーウィンのブログ


I just returned to Japan from the World Cruise and I was not able to write while I was on the trip. We visited Germany, Latvia, Russia, Norway, Sweden and Holland. So let's get started with Germany! When I arrived in Munich, I met Frank at the airport, who has just seen a show I was in about Tokyo, in Germany the week before. Amazing! We flew to Rostock, Germany which is on the Black Sea. It was formerly East Germany so my German friends had never been there as it used to be "off limits." The town is quiet but very pretty and nicely restored. We visited old churches, markets, the antique stores and enjoyed checking out the sites. Americans always think of Sausage and Sauerkraut as being very "German" so I ordered it on my last night. We ended up getting a huge, boiled Pig's Leg delivered at the table with some of the hair still on the pig! Beware! Order Bratwurst if you want Sausage. "Sausage" will get you a pig's leg! My favorite German Souvenirs are two Cuckoo clocks for upstairs and down. They awaken the sense of wonder every hour! Next stop, Riga, Latvia.

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$グレッグ アーウィンのブログ

$グレッグ アーウィンのブログ


今日は、千葉ウィスコンシン協会5周年記念イベントで歌わせて頂きました。私の故郷を訪れた事のある人達やウィスコンシンで素晴らしい経験をした事のある人達が沢山いた事にとても感動しました。日本で、ウィスコンシンの人々がとても良い印象だと知ったら、大喜びでしょうね!日本では、ウィスコンシン州の事をあまり良く知られていませんが、今日のお客様は例外で、沢山の方が私の故郷へホームステイをしました。醤油で有名な会社「キッコーマン」は、ウィスコンシン州に大きな工場があり、ウィスコンシン州と千葉県は1993年から姉妹県(州)です。これから私は、ウィスコンシンと千葉県の交流の架け橋となるよう努力して、千葉県民やウィスコンシン州の素晴らしい人々、温かい皆さんがもっと親しくなれるといいですね!千葉ウィスコンシン協会の素晴らしいフェスティバルのご成功おめでとうございます。On Wisconsin! 明日は、飛鳥2への出演のため、ドイツのロストックへ向かいます。ボン・ボヤージュ

Today I performed at the 5th. Anniversary of the Chiba-Wisconsin Festival at Chiba University. It was amazing for me, as someone originally from Wisconsin, to meet so many Japanese people who have visited my home state and had such a wonderful experience there. The people of Wisconsin should be really happy to know that they have such a great reputation in Japan! Many Japanese do not know a lot about Wisconsin but today's audience was an exception with many people having even done a "home stay" in my home state. Kikkoman, the Japanese Soy Sauce company has a large factory in Wisconsin and Chiba has been the sister-state of Wisconsin since 1993. Today I felt that I have to do all that I can to be a bridge between Chiba and Wisconsin and I will do my part to bring the great people of Chiba prefecture and the great folks in Wisconsin, even closer together in the future! Thank you to the Chiba Wisconsin Association for a fantastic festival! Tomorrow I am off to Rostock, Germany to perform on the Asuka II World Cruise. Bon Voyage!

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