Halloween Charactor in Sushi Roll? | Grandma`s House Kobe Japan 玄米自然食(Brown Rice Lunch Box)

Grandma`s House Kobe Japan 玄米自然食(Brown Rice Lunch Box)

Japanese traditional food/seasonings is what we cook/use,and Natural Remedy Treatment is what we do(自然食・療法)。


Probably many of you have been to Sushi restaurant(s) and eating `dragon sushi roll' or `California roll' and more but what  about this,`picture in a roll zushi(sushi)'



It has been getting quite a big event `Halloween' in Japan these days and some people enjoying it.


Here is the food that you can enjoy on the day too^^? I know some of you have eaten of the `Heart' or `Happy smile face' or even `Scary face(笑)' in roll zushi(sushi) before^^(Arigatou for trying to eat or finish eating them^^).




Can you guess what character is going to be in this↓?

The answer is ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,












Scary Jack-o'-lantern(笑)






It supposed to be turn out like this (from a book)↓though(^^;)







Well what about this↓?

This answer is ,,,,,,,,,,










A guy is dancing at the beach(笑)?


It didn`t turn out to be the one that  I was going(wanted) to make a Halloween hat so I decided to  decorate with using some  food.Maybe I can call him `Octopus' guy is forced to dance with hula that a girl let him wear it’(笑)。 


Well hope you guys have a good day^^!


Grandma`s House

Grandma Risa



PS  (笑) means Lol in Japanese.


PS2 It takes pretty long time to make them and also make you wonder until you cut it (how it turn  out(^^;)) but it` s a lot of fun to do and eat them after(^^)/(as all of the ingredience that I use is eatable food).




PS3(2016-11-01 20:00:00) Finally to be able to put up(you tube)of  Carly Rae Jepsen`s,who have tried to make `picture in a roll zushi(=sushi)' when she visited here on her 8th times.


You can understand(enjoy) it even you don`t speak Japanese^^.
