女の子の日・・・ひな祭り<TheDollFestivalDay> | Grandma`s House Kobe Japan 玄米自然食(Brown Rice Lunch Box)

Grandma`s House Kobe Japan 玄米自然食(Brown Rice Lunch Box)

Japanese traditional food/seasonings is what we cook/use,and Natural Remedy Treatment is what we do(自然食・療法)。

Today is one of the happy day for girls to have.

When a first girl in the family is born,then parents or grandparents would buy the dolls for grandchild(of girl).

A few weeks before the day(March 3rd),we would put them out from Japanese closet(wherever they put them) and wishing them to be healthy and others.

The houses in a city is smaller than countryside`s,so they might would buy small type and easy to put them back.

Family celebrate for the girls and eat cakes or snacks or Sushi that are made for the day(related to dolls color or shapes etc).

Here is the link of shop(http://headlines.yahoo.co.jp/videonews/ann?a=20160301-00000051-ann-soci ) in Kyoto that came up on top and there seems English explanation(right side on the top),if you are interested in learning about it,it will help you to know about our culture.

And news video that shows how to make the dolls,how their faces has been changing.....


Grandma`s House

Grandma Risa

PS There is always something that we keep learnring to know(what that means etc) about own culture as well.