AboutThisBlog,CalledAmebaBlog<AmebloForShort> | Grandma`s House Kobe Japan 玄米自然食(Brown Rice Lunch Box)

Grandma`s House Kobe Japan 玄米自然食(Brown Rice Lunch Box)

Japanese traditional food/seasonings is what we cook/use,and Natural Remedy Treatment is what we do(自然食・療法)。

This is the largest blog(Ameba Blog run by Cyber Agent Inc) in Japan and there is about 20.000.000 people(have registered) and 1.150.000 people(at the month of Nov 2009) are active users a month and 2.200.000 people come and check it(at the month of Nov 2009)a month.

The page view that are being seen by people is about 230.000.000 in a month.

70% are women user and 30 % are men user but real user ratio of men and women ratio is 5:5

There is the member of Ameblo( Ameba blog) is 16.450.000 people at the month of June 2011.

There are more than 100(probably) categories and you can choose 2 of them and you can know in what place you are on the day.

You can register someone`s without letting them know or it will let the person know that you register of the person`s.

If you want to click `like' ,then you have to register at least(not have to write blog etc),then the person know that you liked the article of the person`s(which every one can see).

Or there is a button,what happens is that you let the person know that you have read the person`s but not to be shown to people that you have read the person`s.

People write about their life or things they like/do etc and people who have their business must have this blog(Ameblo or other company`s blog) as a advertisement or would like to share their thoughts and feelings or talents that they have beside Home Page.

Grandma`s House

Grandma Risa

PS If you have something that you want to share with Japanese people,it might be good way to have Ameblo and they might visit you when they come to Canada or they might visit your Home Page.

If you think,oh can`t read or write Japanase language,then ask your Japanese friends,they definately would like to help you to register for you^^.

Arigatou for reading these through my friends' FB.

Arigatou to you all........the ones would know who I am mentioning about^^.Arigatou(ありがとう)always^^.