Two consecutive falls from the balance beamWith the consent of the patient and their parents, I will share the story of a 12-year-old patient who aims to join the Canadian National Gymnastics Team."Once again, I fell from the balance beam, and my bottom hurts," is today's main complaint.While the patient is concerned about the pain, examination of joint movements reveals no significant issues. At this point, I'm curious about why they fell two weeks in a row.

  1. Are they attempting difficult moves? 2) Is their body unstable? 3) Are they lacking sensation? 4) Are they experiencing fear?Numerous questions swirl in my mind. Fortunately, there was a video recording of the balance beam routine, allowing me to confirm that their body started leaning to the right from the beginning of the routine. The cause may be delayed reaction in the left side of the body or limited joint mobility on the left side. Further questioning and assessment reveal:
  2. Stiffness in the ankles
  3. Tension in the outer thighs
  4. Stiffness in the hip joints
  5. Imbalance in the left and right sides of the lumbar regionThese physical conditions correlate with the poor left side reaction observed in the video and the distraction evident in the landing foot, prompting me to proceed with treatment.

A: "What are the results?" "As you can see in the photo, it's two medals!!" This is an example where keen observation of the patient's physical condition led to positive outcomes.

Now, Toronto is finally feeling the hint of spring. Before starting various activities, are you ready to move your body?

If you've been resigning symptoms like "recently running slower," "old injuries bothering you," or "feeling stiffer lately" to 'just aging,' why not try a "Body Movement Check" at our clinic, which has specialized knowledge? Leveraging our extensive treatment experience, we will:

  1. Identify the underlying issues causing symptoms you've resigned to for years,
  2. Propose "improvement ideas" that you can implement yourself.