The upper arm triceps, often overshadowed by more prominent muscles like the pectoralis major, quadriceps, and gluteus maximus, is considered a less glamorous group. In comparison to the well-known biceps brachii, responsible for the iconic Popeye bulge, the triceps' lower recognition is evident.

However, despite its lower fame, the triceps play a crucial role in elbow movement, emphasizing the importance of acknowledging all muscle groups during daily workouts. This discrepancy in popularity can lead to incomplete exercise effects, as focus tends to gravitate towards more visible muscles, neglecting their supporting counterparts.

During strength training and stretching routines, it's essential to recognize that each movement engages multiple muscles and approach exercises accordingly, addressing muscle sets simultaneously.

By adopting this approach, akin to enhancing a main dish with gyoza or fried rice in a delicious ramen bowl, exercising muscle sets collectively can amplify results.

As for targeting the triceps, a key technique involves massaging the area just above the elbow (towards the shoulder) while the elbow is bent and the triceps, positioned on the outer side between the shoulder and elbow, is stretched.

(Note: The translation emphasizes clarity and conciseness, adhering to the original content's meaning and structure.)