ーWhen you're cast in roles other than the lead, do you feel a strong desire to perform as the principal dancer?

In our ballet world, it's very challenging to compare oneself with other dancers. We spend eight hours a day practicing, striving for improvement, so it's natural to honestly desire to be cast as a principal dancer.

ーHave you ever felt envious of ballerinas dancing in pointe shoes? Have you tried wearing pointe shoes yourself?

Out of curiosity, I have tried wearing them. However, I have never felt the urge to try again. Trying on pointe shoes made me realize the incredible physical strain female ballerinas endure, and I deeply respect them for it.

ーWhat do you do when you're not dancing?

I spend quality time with my beloved wife, friends, and dog.

ーDid you sacrifice anything to become a ballet dancer?

I didn't have time to pursue university studies. However, I believe it's never too late to attend university even after a ballet career.