I had the opportunity to support Team Canada, which earned a spot in the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 starting on November 20th. Let me share insights I gained from top Canadian players, viewed through the lens of a massage therapist.

Firstly, the distinctions between top players and others intrigued me. From a massage therapist's perspective:

  1. Physique: Top players have impressive body structures, with defenders being robust and players in running positions having well-balanced, slender bodies tailored to their positions.

  2. Composure: They exhibit composure in public appearances, likely due to familiarity with interviews and match situations. They listen well and speak at a measured pace, perhaps influenced by their multimillion-dollar contracts.

  3. Fashion Sense: Despite appearing in simple attire, they exude a fashionable aura. They embrace the role of being admired by soccer fans, always aware of the constant attention without relying on expensive items.

However, the glamorous and elegant image comes with unique challenges:

  1. Scars: The visible marks of years spent as top players, with numerous old injuries etched into their bodies.

  2. Pressure: Despite lucrative contracts, the pressure to consistently perform at a level corresponding to their earnings remains. Players selected for the Canada national team for the World Cup face additional concerns like avoiding injuries before the tournament.

Observing their conditions closely as a massage therapist revealed intriguing points:

  1. Limited Ankle Mobility: About half of them have restricted ankle mobility.
  2. Chronic Fatigue around Knees: Accumulation of chronic fatigue around the knee area.
  3. Poor Hip Mobility: Difficulty in hip movement.

These conditions often contradict the fundamental principles discussed in columns like Torja's, highlighting discrepancies in conditioning concepts and standards among different specialists within the support team.

The challenge lies in the differences in roles and judgment criteria arising from the distinct perspectives of those involved in examining, recovering from pain or injury, restoring movement function, and preventing future injuries.

Addressing these concerns comprehensively requires someone who can integrate the approach to the player from various specialists. In many cases, as a massage therapist, I end up caring for the players after diagnostics and recovery stages, considering the overall treatment history to prevent future issues.

The focus on improving minute physical issues that others might overlook resulted in surprising transformations for the players, such as increased top running speed or completing a season without injuries.

It's essential to recognize that even world-class soccer players rarely play in perfect condition. However, understanding and efficiently improving one's deficiencies in comparison to top players, as discussed here, can significantly enhance the chances of achieving goals for aspiring soccer players at the world level. This approach not only contributes to preventing major injuries but also has the potential to change the perception that injuries are inevitable in soccer. It's a universal pathway to success, applicable to various sports, including dance forms like ballet, beyond just soccer