The Purpose for Establishment | GO!GLOBAL→世界に羽ばたく人の会

The Purpose for Establishment

The Purpose for Establishment:
Since the end of the 20th century, “globalization” has become more and more the key factor for Japan to maintain its social system working properly.

“Globalization” soon will not only mean simply importing and exporting goods and services to and from Japan. Since the birthrate in Japan has been decreasing, we will soon face the real challenges of globalization even inside of our country. Considering how our population will change, we know it will be inevitable for Japan to further accept people from other countries. This influx of people will stimulate our society, create more opportunities, and increase the size of our market, which is what has happened in the U.S.A. and Europe.

However, there are so many differences among the U.S.A., Europe and Japan. Japan is a small island, and we have had our doors closed to the world for a long time. It is obvious that the change is going to be revolutionary and that we need to prepare for it.
But how?

That is the underlying question and the reason why we have formed this non-profit organization, Go-Global. We believe in the power of people, their wills, and their spirits. We support people who ambitiously face the challenges of globalization, and we will someday overcome its challenges if people who understand the importance of facing them can get together and work together.

We know that no one, not even the most respected people in the fields of business, politics, art, or sports, has ever been successful by him or herself. There’s no such thing as a “self-made” person. We know someone has always been there for us. Anyone who has ever spoken one word of encouragement, or showed us a path to follow, has entered into the make-up of our character and of our thoughts, as well as our success.

If you think you are a person who has actually played, or is willing to play an active role on a global level in your respective field, or if you have done, or are willing to do anything innovative and creative, please come and join us. We provide a place where all of you can get together to face the challenges of going global.