

  1. **はじめに**


   2. **大麻取締り法の歴史的背景**


   3. **現代における問題点**





  4. **医療用大麻認可の現状と課題**


   5. **過去の摘発者への免罪**


- **免罪の必要性**:大麻取締り法および使用罪が現代の社会的価値観や国際的な動向に照らして不合理であることが明らかである以上、過去にこれらの法律に基づいて摘発された人々に対しては、免罪措置を講じることが正当かつ公正です。


    6. **廃止を求める理由**


1. **成分への不当な焦点と利益誘導の構造**:大麻取締り法は、成分の危険性ではなく、統治目的と利益誘導を意図して制定されているため、その正当性は完全に失われています。

2. **医療用大麻認可との矛盾**:医療用大麻が認可されている現在、非医療的使用に対する厳しい規制は矛盾しており、特定の利益団体のための利益誘導としか説明できません。

3. **文化的および歴史的背景の軽視**:大麻は日本の文化や歴史において重要な役割を果たしてきましたが、現行の法律はこれを無視し、統治および利益誘導のために利用されています。

4. **国際的な潮流との不一致と利益誘導の強化**:世界中で大麻規制が見直されている中で、日本が厳しい規制を維持することは国際社会からの孤立を招くだけでなく、国内での利益誘導を強化する結果となっています。

5. **過去の摘発者への免罪**:不公正な法律によって不当に処罰された人々への免罪は、公正な社会を実現するために不可欠です。

#### 7. **政府への請求**


1. **大麻取締り法および使用罪の廃止**:大麻取締り法および使用罪を直ちに廃止し、国民の自由と健康を尊重する法制度を導入することを求めます。

2. **アメリカ合衆国からの公式謝罪要求**:戦後の大麻取締り法制定におけるアメリカ合衆国の影響を認識し、その不当性に基づきアメリカからの公式な謝罪を要求します。

3. **日本国総理大臣による廃止宣言**:日本国総理大臣に対し、大麻取締り法および使用罪の廃止を宣言し、日本の伝統や文化を尊重する立場を明確に示すことを要求します。

4. **使用罪発案における関係者の責任追及と謝罪要求**:使用罪を発案し、大麻使用者を刑事罰で処罰する制度を推進した関係者に対し、その責任を追及し、警察機関からの公式な謝罪を求めます。

5. **過去の摘発者への免罪措置の導入**:大麻取締り法および使用罪に基づいて不当な処罰を受けた人々に対して、直ちに免罪措置を講じることを求めます。

6. **使用罪の施行による利益誘導および政府の利害関係の改善**:使用罪の施行によって特定の利益が生じた

「I translated the above text into English.」

Petition for the Repeal of the Cannabis Control Law and the Offense of Use

1. Introduction

We strongly urge the repeal of the Cannabis Control Law and the offense of use. It has become evident that these laws are not primarily based on the danger of the substance but rather serve as tools of governance and possibly benefit specific interests. Particularly, the offense of use functions as a means to reinforce these benefits, which not only contradicts social justice but also continues to unjustly restrict the freedoms and rights of Japanese citizens. This situation is significantly out of step with modern values and international trends, and swift legal reform is needed.

2. Historical Background of the Cannabis Control Law

The Cannabis Control Law was introduced to Japan after World War II under the influence of the United States. Prior to the war, cannabis was widely used in Japan for various purposes, including religious rituals and agriculture, playing an important cultural role. However, under U.S. policy during the occupation, cannabis became strictly regulated, with the underlying purpose being governance based on U.S. domestic industry and international interests. As a result, Japan’s historical and cultural background was ignored, and the Cannabis Control Law began to function as a tool for governing the populace.

3. Current Issues

In contemporary Japan, medical cannabis has started to be approved, and there is a growing recognition that the components of cannabis are not necessarily dangerous to society. However, strict regulations, including the offense of use, still remain, and this is seen as benefiting specific interest groups or parties, which is a significant issue.

The Irrationality of Health Risks and Penalties: The health risks associated with cannabis are not particularly higher than those of other legal substances (e.g., alcohol and tobacco). Nevertheless, imposing penalties through the offense of use is irrational and may, in fact, be used to protect certain interests.

Law as a Tool of Governance: The Cannabis Control Law and the offense of use were established as means of governing the populace, with the structure of interest-based governance still maintained today. The continued existence of these laws in modern times indicates that the government or certain interest groups are using them as tools of control.

Discrepancy with International Trends: As many countries are reevaluating cannabis regulations, moving towards legalization or relaxation of controls, Japan’s continued strict regulations not only lead to international isolation but also preserve domestic interest-driven governance.

4. Current Status and Challenges of Medical Cannabis Approval

The approval of medical cannabis indicates a shift in societal evaluation of cannabis. However, the continued existence of the Cannabis Control Law and the offense of use, along with strict regulations on non-medical use, reflects an underlying intent of governance and interest-based manipulation. This leads to the unjust punishment of ordinary citizens, while specific parties benefit from the situation, perpetuating an unfair scenario.

5. Reasons for Repeal

For the above reasons, we demand the repeal of the Cannabis Control Law and the offense of use for the following reasons:

1. Unjust Focus on Components and Interest-Driven Structure: The Cannabis Control Law was not enacted based on the danger of the components but rather for governance and interest-driven purposes, and thus, its legitimacy has been entirely lost.

2. Contradiction with Medical Cannabis Approval: Given that medical cannabis is now approved, the strict regulations on non-medical use are contradictory and can only be explained as interest-driven manipulation benefiting specific groups.

3. Disregard for Cultural and Historical Background: Cannabis has played an important role in Japan’s culture and history, but current laws ignore this, being used instead for governance and interest-driven purposes.

4. Discrepancy with International Trends and Strengthening of Interest-Driven Governance: As countries worldwide reassess cannabis regulations, Japan’s continued strict regulation leads not only to international isolation but also strengthens interest-driven governance domestically.

   6.     Addressing the Influence of Special Interests and Improving Government Accountability Regarding the Enforcement of the Offense of Use: If specific interests have benefited from the enforcement of the offense of use…”








