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My Surgery was successful🤗 For the past year I’ve been suffering with a lot of leg and hip pain caused by nerves being pinched by ruptured discs in my lower back. Doing several shows during that time was hard!  I had two injections last year that relieved the pain successfully for a few weeks each, but the one prior to ’Suicide Forest’ on Jan 2020 didn’t work at all. I did ’Suicide Forest’ with pain killers (including some dancing!) and I planned to do surgery at the Hospital for Special Surgery on March 26. Then ’Suicide Forest’ had to cancel performances for COVIC19 ten days before closing, and my surgery was postponed indefinitely along with all other non-emergency procedures. I’ve was in agony, and I couldn’t really stand or walk for more than a few moments. At the end of May I got a call from HSS that my surgery had finally been rescheduled for Thursday, 6/11. The procedure was more than seven hours long, but they had me on my feet the next day with a walker. That Saturday I was able to go up and down stairs with a cane. I came home on Sunday. The nurse visited me on Monday gave me more exercises, especially walking around inside the house. And on Thursday, a week after the operation, I walked without a walker or cane for a short time which I made Josh so nervous, he screamed ‘don’t do that!’. On Friday I asked the nurse if I could walk without a walker or cane and she gave me a permission and gave me a marching-in-place exercise too. I went for a walk in our neighborhood yesterday, the first time I’ve been outside without a walker or cane since January. I’m so grateful to be walking again by myself! もうだいぶ前から腰に痛みがあり特に一昨年、去年と腰には良くない姿勢をする舞台が続き、ブロック注射で痛みを止めながら勤めていました。 今年も1月末からの稽古に入る前に注射をしたのですが、全く効かなくて、痛みを抱えながら舞台に立っておりました(ダンスも^_^)。覚悟を決めて公演終了後の3月26日に手術の予定を立てたのですが、公演は千穐楽10日前に急遽終了となり、手術もコロナ患者にベッドを開ける為、期日未定で延期となりました。痛みで家の中での立ち座りも出来ず、ジョシュに家事一般を引き受けて貰い迷惑を一杯かけたのですが、幸い良いペインマネジメントの先生のお陰で、胃を荒らさずに痛みを凌げました。 HSSから6月に手術が出来ると連絡が来たのが5月半ばで、手術前の様々な検査をして、6月11日にまな板の上の鯉になりました。お腹からと腰からの手術で7時間半かかったそうです。手術の翌日から歩行補助機で歩き2日目は階段の練習、3日目に退院。月曜日に看護婦さんが来て、傷口の確認や家の中での運動の指示。 距離を毎日少しずつ増やして、19日金曜日には、歩行補助機無しで歩ける様になりました。昨日20日の土曜日は本当に久しぶりに杖も使わずに家の外に出ました。ジョシュは未だハラハラしていますが、もう奇跡みたいに回復しています。本当に素晴らしい外

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