2021.11.15) 新アパート契約スタート | Diary of a Goat in NYC

Diary of a Goat in NYC

One Goat and her journey.


It’s 1 am on 16th and Goat is finally in the 7 train now.


Picture below was taken when she was waiting.


New apartment contract has started from today 11/15/2021).


Dr. Z has lots of furnitures so he is going to move all at once by using a moving company this Friday.


Goat is still quite light since she has been living in the furnished apartment after getting rid of kitchen equipment, books, furniture, car and so on three years ago when she left California. 


So Goat is going to take a strategy to carry belongings a little by little after work.


Today Goat had to receive keys too.


She made 2 trips and carried the followings.

1往復目: 行きはLyft XL、帰りは空のスーツケース2個を持ってSubwayで帰宅。途中スーパーで買い物。帰宅後もう10時頃だったが夜ご飯。

1st trip: Lyft XL to go and subway to come back with 2 empty suitcases. She dropped in supermarket on the way home. After coming back home had a dinner around 10 o’clock.

  • スーツケース2 2 suitcases 
  • リュックサック1 1 bag pack 
  • 大き目のバッグ2 2 large bag.

2往復目: 行きはUber XL 、帰りは空のスーツケース1個を持って帰宅。

2nd trip: Uber XL to go and subway to come back with 1 empty suitcase. 

  • スーツケース2 2 suitcases 
  • リュックサック1 1 bag pack 
  • 大き目のバッグ1 1 large bag.

Goat cleaned wherever she can.

まだまだ全然ダメだけど1日目にしたら上等よウインク ❤️

Still not good at all, yet good enough for the first day.