These images from Pub Choir YouTube channel 





パブの文化 = 音楽、ポエム、Standing Comedy を始めとするパブカルチャー


下記 Linkは 英語圏の国の Pubをツアーしている Pub Choir Group - Program の Live Streaming !!!


今では仕事で色々な国にいくのでそれ程  British pub etc... には行かなくなったが以前は Tokyo, Sydney, Auckland, LAで Music Performanceをしていたので場の雰囲気や感覚はわかるし今でも好きだ!!! 


特に Music Lover にはいい雰囲気を醸し出している店が多いので!!!


If You Love Pop, Rock, Poetly You better check this out !!! 




I used to play music at Brish pubs in Tokyo and Pubs in Sydney - AU and Auckland - NZ , Music club in L.A- USA a bit too so I know the feeling !!!


I wasn't in a choir so it's different but I know the atmosphere and all it's Good eh 


Especially for the Music Lovers !!!





Here is the Interesting and Not too bad Music Streaming of 


Pub Choir in England

Their Web site





And here, One of the Biggest and the most popular British Pub in Tokyo!!!


What The Dickens





What The Dickens - Info from 食べログ




The image from “ What The Dickens “ 


Check these British Pubs in Tokyo for your English language practice & Experience & The Cultuers eh !!!!




Keep on Rock Todos 



Hasta Luego !!!