


The ruled world and future [13].
The ruled world and future [11].
The ruled world and future [12].
2019-12-30 06:39:13

The ruled world will be complete. And future coming. [12]:
The history of the world-ruled conspiracy, 
The World's Secret Shadow Government. (2)

[Source of translation]


1). The History of the world-ruled conspiracy.

(6) The World's Secret Shadow Government.

(Continue from "The ruled world and future [11].")

 In this way, there were many organizations subordinate to the Committee of 300, it is said that there were the intelligence agencies that had continued to operates as limbs of Committee of 300, especially from the old days. By the way, It is said that the oldest national intelligence agency was founded by the United Kingdom. And It is seems that it was that an information Bureau was established at the East India Company was the beginning.

The modern British intelligence agency was established in 1909 and it was called MI (Military Intelligence) at that time. and it was divided.
-  MI1
 (Encryption, Decryption, Government crypto school, Government Communications Headquarters)
-  MI2
 (Middle East, Far East, Scandinavia, America, USSR, Central America, South America)
-  MI3
 (Eastern Europe, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia)
-  MI4
-  MI5
 (Security Service, Domestic Counterintelligence)
-  MI6
 (Foreign politics and Foreign economies and Other confidential informations gathering, Manipulation of the Media)
  MI6 is now called "Secret Intelligence Service (SIS)".
(By the way, the Joint Intelligence Committee is an institution as a masquerade, and It is said to be only a puppet.)

The MI6 is said to be an organization for protect the British King, and it is said to no influence by even legislative powers of the British Parliaments.

 The boss who reigns over these institutions is said to have to be a civilian rather than a serviceperson, and It is said to be this boss is Rothschild according to Takashi Hirose's "Red Shield".
(For the following, I wrote with reference to "Red Shield" written by Takashi Hirose.)

 MI5 had a close relationship with the Marconi Company, which is famous for its wireless telegraph technology, and It is said to have dominated it by Rufus Daniel Isaacs who is Governor-General of India, connected to the Rothschild family. Furthermore, it is said that the person who made a great contribution to the modernization to MI5 at that time was Nathaniel Mayer Victor Rothschild, the 5th head of the British Rothschild family in the British noble class, who is awarded George Cross and served as president of N M Rothschild & Sons. Futher, the Rothschild family controlled intelligence agencies such as MI5 and MI6, at that time.
The Imperial Chemical Industries "ICI" managed by Rothschild's conglomerate is said to have created the cause of World War II, it is said that ICI executives had also members of MI5 and MI6.
The rulers of the three British intelligence agencies MI5 and MI6 and DIS were the Rothschild blood connection clans. At the highest executives of British intelligence agencies, It is said that there were those who had blood connections of the Rothschild family such as MI6 Stewart Graham Menzies, MI5 Dick Goldsmith White, MI5 Guy Maynard Liddell, DIS Miles Francis Stapleton Fitzalan-Howard. Further, It is said that the Rothschild family had directly connected to Queen Elizabeth blood connection clans.
It may be that MI5 and MI6 had continued intelligence activities for benefits of the Rothschild family since that time.

 In addition, There is a RIIA (Royal Institute of International Affairs) as an important institution to be related to British intelligence activities. The RIIA was founded by Lionel George Curtis of Milner's Kindergarten.

Let's start with Milner's Kindergarten.

 There is a background of the born of Milner's Kindergarten was the resource domination policy of South Africa by UK. After Cecil John Rhodes descended to Durban where South Africa in 1870, he worked at the diamond mines, he sold the diamonds he got at the mines, he buy up one after another mines rights, and he dominated all of the De Beers mines in just 10 years. And He organized an army with funds from Rothschild, he make black slaves worked, further, he reigned as the emperor who ruled all the products born in South Africa. Cecil Rhodes became the Prime Minister of Cape Colony on behalf of the British government and ruled South Africa.
 And, Cecil Rhodes guided Alfred Milner, who was sent by the British government to rule South Africa, and caused the Second Boer War. Milner establish the Milner's Kindergarten which is a post-war process to complete a massive invasion plan as build a railroad for get diamonds and mines ownership. And It was the unit that execute domination plan to the South Africa. This Milner's Kindergarten created apartheid as a policy to slaughter and enslave black peoples. It is said that the members of the Milner's Kindergarten were geniuses. Specially, It is said that Philip Henry Kerr and Lionel George Curtis exerted powers about intelligence activities.

 Cecil Rhodes formed the Round Table group in 1891 for the ambition to put all the world's settle areas under their domination.
(It is said that it was an investment of Rothschild.)


The founder group executives were Baron of Rothschild, Earl of Balfour, Earl of Gray, Baron of Fisher, and Viscount of Milner.

- Nathaniel Mayer Rothschild
- Arthur James Balfour
- Albert Henry George Grey
- John Arbuthnot Fisher
- Alfred Milner

After Cecil Rhodes's death, Viscount Alfred Milner took over his intention of the deceased and created the Milner's Kindergarten, which was mentioned earlier in order to cultivation of human resources. Lionel Curtis of the Milner's Kindergarten further developed the Round Table group, and in 1920, he founded the Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA) (also known as Chatham House) in London, England.

[Royal Institute of International Affairs]


 The RIIA was established with the purpose that get domination about rights of Mine resources including gold and silver and diamonds in South Africa, and gain enormous profits by the route to mine resources from mines and transport them to Europe, by connecting "Various mines rights" and "Black slave trades" and "African railroad at from south to north" by the 3C policy connecting Cairo and Cape Town and Calcutta. It is said that RIIA has become an important institution to implement the internal and external policies of the Committee of 300, beginning with South Africa's 3C policy. Also, RIIA is said to be a "private" intelligence agency operating under the permission and protection of the British Royal Family, that is, it is not a public agency.

Further, RIIA is said to have established Tavistock, and Tavistock is said to have established the Club of Rome and NATO.
Also, The International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS) in London and the Institute of Pacific Relations (IPR), which existed until 1961, are said to be subsidiaries for RIIA.

[Tavistock institute]


 Tavistock institute is said to set public opinion under the direction by MI6 and use the US television network to control the general public. Tavistock institute was founded in 1922 and it has been conducting mind control under the supervision of MI6 and MIS section BIA since before World War II. In addition, It is famous about mind control research using drugs such as LSD by organizations affected by Tavistock.
(Also, Tavistock institute was also conducting mind control experiments using electromagnetic waves, which will be described later.)
Dr. John Coleman said "The final purpose of Tavistock is the pursuit about international populace propaganda and complete human psychological control, for maintenance of British and American hegemony, and conduct researches on means and technologies, and practice outcomes of the researches.". Tavistock is said to be involved about the practice of many diverse mind controls to date.

Dr. John Coleman stated in the book "The Committee of 300" as below.
(Please note that there are notation differences between the original and below.)
"Currently, Tavistock Institute operates a $ 6 billion Foundation network in the United States. All these Foundation funds were contributed from US taxes. The Tavistock Institute directly manages the 10 major foundations, and The Foundation network has 400 subordinate institutions and 3000 research groups. These so-called think tanks have developed a wide variety of research plans, and these are working to strengthen the control power of the 'World Order' for influencing US citizens. For example, Stanford Research Institute is working with Hoover Institution, for a total of $ 150 million in research activities. These includes researches for Bechtel, Kaiser, and 400 other companies and extensive intelligence activities for the CIA. The Stanford Research Institute is also the laboratory for largest psychological manipulation and behavioral science in the West Coast of the United States.".

The following are representative institutions under Tavistock.
- The Brookings Institution
- Hudson Institute
- Institute for Policy Studies
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- National Training Laboratories
- RAND (Research and Development) Corporation
- Stanford Research Institute
- Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania

Wikipedia explains Dr. John Coleman's allegations as follows.

Quote source, Wikipedia "Tavistock Institute of Human Relations"

----- Quote start ------
It is said that the sharp change in American social culture in the second half of the 20th century, and the destruction or Americanization about regional cultures and political ideologies around the world, were intentionally promoted using the researches of Tavistock institute. The Tavistock institute is said to be involved along with the CIA to strategy to make popularizes narcotics and homosexuality as fashion. And It has been going well achieved about the strategy goal that "Politically paralyzing the masses of around the world by music, drugs and extramarital sex. And Perform the mind control for  made regime acceptance.". It is also said to be one of the Tavistock institute's tactics, that about made promote international popularizes about British-made and American-made pop songs from the 1960s to the 1980s, starting with the Beatles. It is said that the Tavistock Institute is suspected to be involved about the rapid penetration of American black music and fashion into the general public since the 1990s.

----- Quote end ------

Daniel Estulin's book, "Mystery of Bilderberg" explains about celebrities involvement to the Tavistock Institute as below.
(Please note that there are notation differences between the original and below.)
"Ronald Reagan is a member of the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations. William S. Paley, CBS Chairman, was taught technique of the Mass Mind Control at the Tavistock Institute. Alexander Haig studied at the Tavistock Institute and he administrated the US government while being compelled obedience by RIIA.".

[Club of Rome]


 The Club of Rome, which was established in 1970, it is an organization directly connected to the Committee of 300, and it is said that it is a conspiracy organization that combined Anglo-America capitalists and the European Black Nobility's families. The post-industrial zero growth society policy is said to have been introduced by the Club of Rome. It is said that to cause bigger matters, First, cause the catastrophe on the planet using recession which is temperate means, And create many people around the world who will depend on "Welfare Assistance" in the future.

[North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)]


 The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) is described as a military alliance formed in 1949 by the North American and European countries centered on the United States based on the North Atlantic Treaty. Actually, NATO was pretending to be an organization led by the US military. The purpose of NATO was to incorporate military of the United States and other countries into the under influence of the New World Order by put under UN command them.

[International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS)]


 The International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS) was founded in London, England in 1958 with the support of the Ford Foundation. It is said that IISS is in charge of MI6 and Tavistock operations about machination mass publicities and dirty operations with bloodshed.

IISS Annual Report 1997-1998 is said to contain the following description.
(Please note that there are notation differences between the original and below.)
"The United States should accept the role of 'World's Police' assigned to the United States. The only choice the United States should make is whether to act unilaterally through multinational institutions such as the United Nations and NATO, or unilaterally through informal coalitions. The United States will have to decide which one to choose between the two conflicting methods.".

IISS had utilized the economic power and military of the United States to made performed in the world wide the operations of the New World Order forces at the United States expense.

[Institute of Pacific Relations (IPR)]


 The Institute of Pacific Relations (IPR) was founded in 1925. It is described in Wikipedia as "The purpose of the IPR was to promote mutual understanding and cultural exchange at the private level within the Pacific Rim (Asia-Pacific).". However, the real role of IPR was "Make almost all regions of Asia to communist societies". and it meant the expansion of the communist powers. Actually, It is a historical fact that the communist and socialist powers expanded rapidly at before and after World War II. It is said that IPR has supported it. It is said that the IPR supported taking over China by the Communist Party of China, and that was one example.
The communist societies and socialist societies are the same as industrial monopoly societies by the national rulers. Capitalists had continued to made profits from the each country's resources and industries by connecting with the national rulers and supporting their economies.
By the way, Dr. John Coleman advocate that "All IPR documents were drafted by Tavistock.".
That is to say, the promotion of communism and socialism was also one of Tavistock's schemes.

(Continue to "The ruled world and future [13].")

