
Studio Ponoc scopes
Company that inherited legacy of Stufclib G'hibli

By Makoto Tanaka
Yomiuri Sjhimbun Staff Writer

Animation studio Studio Ponoc,which produced the hit animated film "Mary and the Witch's Flower," has embarked on a new project that will compile three roughly 15-minute animated short films, each by a different creator, into one movie.

The omnibus movie will be released na-tionwide on Aug.

24 as part of the "Ponoc's short film theater" project, which is aimed at bringing new talent into the anime productionindustry, in which new directors struggle to break through.

Studio Ponoc was established in 2015 by Yoshiaki Nishimura, who was a producer at Studio Ghibli and left the company after the dissolution of its production department.

Studio Ponoc's first animated feature film "Mary and the Witch's Flower," directed by Hiromasa Yonebayashi and released in 201 7, recorded box office sales of \3.28 billion, and is being shown in the United States, France and China.

After its promising start, the company could well have begun work on a second feature film.

However, the number of new live-action and animated films has been rising, and the spread of video streaming services has enabled viewers to watch existing domestic and foreign films with ease.

"When we tried to make a new animated film, we couldn't make progress because we weren't sure where to go," Nishimura said.

The Pia Film Festival, which fea-tures independent live-action films, has played a major role in discovering and nur-turing talented new filmmakers.

animation director Yoshiyuki Momose, a right-hand man to the late director Isao Takahata; and Akihiko Yamashita, an an-imator and animation director who played amajor role in works created by legendary dir-ector Hayao Miyazaki.

Yet with The production of director Akitiiko Yamashita's"Tomei Ningen" is in the final stage.

animated films, there have Been few occasions for younger filmmakers to channel their abilities into success.

Such circumstances prompted Nishimura to launch the short film theater pro-ject with the belief he couldiinearth new talent.

He hopes it yields, top-rate, work with high-quality content and presentation

The Yomiuri Shimbun

out short films searches for anirme talents

The title of the debut omnibus movie is "Chiisana Eiyu - Kani to Tamago to TomeiNingen (Small heroes - a crab, an egg and aninvisible man) ," featuring the theme of "smallheroes."

The directors of the three short films are Yonebayashi;

All three have connec-tions to Studio Ghibli.

Nishimura hopes to produce feature films and movies for the short film project in alternating years, in cooperation with live-action film dir-ectors, picture book authors, manga artists and others outside the animation industry.

The omnibus movie will be shown on over 100 screens, with ticket prices expected to be lower than those of regular films due to its roughly 50-minute length.

"We fully support Studio Ponoc's new chal-lenge.

The three films being produced reflect the An image board for Yoshiyuki Momose's film "Samurai Egg" is displayed on the wall at Studio Ponoc.

different qualities of the three directors," said Minami Ichikawa, managing director at Toho,Co., which will distribute the movie.

Next week, we will feature roof-tile techniques applied to daily goods.


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